Lower Body day

Training Program

Here is your full workout as an overview. This overview includes name, reps, short cue  and if you expand (“+”) you’ll also see a quick demo of the movement. To access the full tutorial just click on the exercise name & a screen will pop up on top with long description & how-to. Enjoy! 

Warm Up


DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Air Squat2x12
Bulgarian Split Squats2x6-10 each side
Single Leg Step Ups2x6-8 each side
1 Legged Deadlifts2x6-10 each side
1 Legged Hamstring Bridges2x6-8 each side
Calf Raises3x 20
Turned Out Calf Raises with Elastic3x20

You made it!

You’ve reached the end of this workout. Great job for showing up and getting closer to reaching your goals. Now go rest, relax and enjoy your time off.

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