
Handstand Practice Support Group

Here is your warm up for today. This overview includes name, reps, and most important cues. IMPORTANT!!  To see the video click the (“+”) symbol next to the exercise name, and it will expand.

Look after yourself and only do what feels safe enough. Rest long enough between sets to be fresh but short enough not to get cold!

Home | Handstand Support Group Workout

Your Warm Up Workout

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
High Knees2x40secLight on the toes, knees as high as possible. Posterior pelvic tilt. Go fast and get your your heart rate up!
Plank Superman Combi1x6
Back Extensions2x8Start by internally rotating your arms so the back rounds and the pinky fingers touch the floor. Then externally rotate the arm, squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back, look up towards the ceiling and engage the whole back lifting the upper body of the floor. Open your legs sligthly for this exercise.
Shoulder Lifts on Floor2x6Look at your hands. Do not arch your back. First reach away from your to elevate your scapula. Only after lift the hands off the floor.
Straight to Tuck on Back2x4Push out tall, keep your lower back on the floor at all times! Look at your hands. Keep your knees together and the feet on the same distance to the floor throughout the whole movement!
Open Close Hands10xMake fists with your hands for warm up. Open your hands fully stretching the wide between each rep.
Kneeling Shoulder Shrugs with Elastic2x8Look at hands. Elbows locked. Hands shoulder width apart. Extra slow on way down

This Weeks Progressions

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Push Up LeansHands shoulder width apart, eblows locked. Lean towards the front moving the shoulders past your fingertips. Keep youre core tigh and parallel to the floor. If needed rotate your hands externally to take preassure of the wrist.
Wall WalksScapular elevated at all times. Look at hands at all times. Walk as close as possible to the wall. Do not allow your stomach to touch the wall. Feet only!
Half Slide AwayStart with your body in a perfectly straight line. Feet are the only thing touching the wall. Look at your hands and push out tall. Elbows locked. Move your shoulders to the front and slide the feet down the wall. When you are about to fall over stop and push your feet back up on the wall back to your starting position. Do not pull your hips during this movement. Do not arch your back. The only position change should be in the shoulders!
Slide AwayStart with your body in a perfectly straight line. Feet are the only thing touching the wall. Look at your hands and push out tall. Elbows locked. Move your shoulders to the front and slide the feet down the wall. When you are about to fall over take off from the wall and align yourself in a straight, freestanding handstand. Come abck to the wall as one straight unit. Do not close your shoulders on the way back. Do not pull your hips during the slide away. Do not arch your back. The only position change should be in the shoulders!
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