Yooo! Thank you all for being part of “Workshop meets Show” Concept. It really was an incredible experience to share a full day with you guys and perform my act for you. To make sure you all keep on working, here is your post-workshop program. Keep on showing up & training. And if you want to take it to the next level, join the Bachmann team for our 12 week online performing arts coaching program.
Happy training & stay healthy, Coach Bachmann aka Sascha
P.p.s. we are going to be hosting a handstand & flexibility retreat with our good friend Adrian McCavitt during the first week of September. Click here to find out more & shoot us an email to get your name on the mailing list to be the first one to get the details.
Beginner: The goal is to establish a good handstand practice and learn how to get comfortable upside down. Over the next weeks you’ll build up a good physical foundation, and improve overall body tension & awareness.
Advanced: Keep on building a strong technical foundation that will allow you to go after shapes, presses and one arms injury free & efficiently
How does it work?
For a video walkthrough click here. [wp-video-popup vimeo=”1″ video=”https://vimeo.com/326658669″]
This program is split into two different levels + a flexibility routine
Schedule at least one rest day a week to give your body a break
Modify any exercise or number of reps if too easy or too hard.
Need feedback?
Any time you are training feel free to tag @coachbachmann on instagram to receive some pointers & feedback.
Had a breakthrough? Let us know! We love hearing and celebrating all the successes. Shoot us a message using the form below (photos & videos are always welcome) 🙂