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Coordination Focus

Rest between sets: as needed
Intensity: Moderate – Focus on Form

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Straight to W Back Lift
On the way back pull your elbows past your shoulders, engage your back and lift your upper body off the floor.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Surfer Wrist Warm Up
Spread your thumb and pinky finger wide towards the side whilst your remaining fingers fold into a fist.
Rotate your hands fully intp internal and external rotation in each rep.
Isolate the rotation into your wrist only keeping your elbow mostly stable.
Prayer Pose Rotation
Keeping your hands in a vertical position push them down in front of your body towards your belly button.
Keeping your hands low rotate them for the fingertips to point towards you and then away from you. Keep pressure on your wrists the entire time and rotate your hands sligthly further in each repetition.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Banded Kneeling Spine Mobility
Place the band around your back with your hands inside it. Use the band not just to create a bigger arch but also as a target to analyze where to arch and where to round.
As you round your back push your hands into the floor and away from you to further round your back.
Imagine pulling the floor towards your knees to support your back for a deeper arch.
Banded Sitting Press Coordinator
Place the band around your back with your feet inside it. Use the band not just to create a bigger arch but also as a target to analyze where to arch and where to round.
Keep your shoulders depressed the entire time. Do not allow them to elevate.
Hold your legs in parallel so your knees and feet are pointing up towards the ceiling.
Pike Hip Engagements on Back
6x each side
Focus on keeping the leg straight up as you arch and round your lower back flipping your hips back and forth between the anterior and posterior pelvic tilt.
Keep your opposite heel on the floor.
Do not allow your legs to externally rotate.
Box Handstand Hip Engagements
Slide your legs on the box and actively flip your hip between the anterior and posterior pelvic tilt.
Use your lower back muscles. Actively pull your hips into the anterior pelvic tilt.
Keep your elbows locked and scapula elevated at all times.
Pike Press Prep
2x4 each side
As you shift your hips back pull the toes of your straight leg up towards your face.
When lean forward load your hands and push your index fingers into the floor. Use your back muscles to pull your hips towards the anterior pelvic tilt.
Bend your elbows and pull your chin towards your toes as your hips rise.
L Handstand Pull
4x total
Start with your body in a perfectly straight line from hands to toes.
Flip your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt and make them guide the movement. Align your shoulders and hips on top of your hands as your feet slide down the wall. Walk your feet back up the wall between reps.
Keep your elbows locked and scapula elevated at all times.

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