Warm Up
Rest between sets: none
Intensity: Elevated
Demo Exercise Reps/Sets How to/Cues
As you push down towards the floor engage your core and maintain a posterior pelvic tilt with your hips.In your deepest position your front knee needs to be on top of the foot with your shin vertically aligned.Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Pull your knees as close as possible towards the floor. Use your glute muscles to actively help with the movement.Hold your hips in a neutral position and keep your lower back on the floor at all times.Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Hamstring Stretches
Rest between sets: as needed
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on Form
Demo Exercise Reps/Sets How to/Cues
Straighten your back. Ideally even arch your lower back slightly and place your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.Delay your chest raising up and look at your hands as they guide the upwards movement.Keep your knees fully locked at all times.
Lock both of your knees and keep them locked at all times.Make sure both of your feet point towards the front but do not place them on the same exact line.Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.Place your hips on top of your back knee.Lock the front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor. Flex your foot pulling your toes towards the chin. Place your hands further towards the front to increase difficulty.
Hip Flexor Stretches
Rest between sets: as needed
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on Form
Demo Exercise Reps/Sets How to/Cues
Place your hips on top of the back knee and keep them squared with your shoulders at all times.With every exhale work on lengthening hip flexors and rotate your hips into a deeper posterior pelvic tilt.
Apply pressure through your back foot into the floor pushing your hips towards the heel of the front foot in a pulsing motion.Place your foot far enough towards the front so at the deepest position of your stretch your knee is on top of the foot with you shin in a vertical line.Keep your shoulders low and squared with your hips.
Place your foot far enough towards the front so at the deepest position of your stretch your knee is on top of the foot with you shin in a vertical line.Push your hips towards your front foots heel whilst assuring that your hips and shoulders stay squared. Your back foot needs to point upwards and not out towards the side.Keep approximately the length of one palm of a hand distance to the wall with your back knee. Adjust this distance if needed and place your knee on a thick mat or a pillow for added comfort.
Focus on your posterior pelvic tilt first. Do not allow your lower back to arch.Place your foot far enough towards the front so at the deepest position of your stretch your knee is on top of the foot with you shin in a vertical line.Push your hips towards your front foots heel whilst assuring that your hips and shoulders stay squared. Your back foot needs to point upwards and not out towards the side.
Tuck your tailbone under and focus on the posterior pelvic tilt.Flex your back foot on the floor and gently extend it to push your back leg into your hips helping with the posterior pelvic tilt.Keep your shoulders depressed, squared with the hips and parallel to the floor at all times. Do not allow your body to turn out.
Rest between sets: 60-90sec
Intensity: Elevated | Focus on Form
Demo Exercise Reps/Sets How to/Cues
The second half of the movement is the main focus point here. Engage your hip flexor to actively square your hips back out with your shoulders.Aim to pull past perfect front split alignment. At the end of each rep your hips should be internally rotated slightly.Keep your back straight and make sure the heel of the back foot is pointing straight up.
Look at your hand and keep the arm and leg up.Move slow and stay in control at all times!Lock the lifted elbow and knee.