Happy Handstanding!

Training Program

Here is your full workout as an overview. This overview includes name, reps, short cue  and if you expand (“+”) you’ll also see a quick demo of the movement.  Enjoy! Also if you’d rather go through your program offline, download the pdf version here.  

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How to USE

Alternate between Workouts A & B so you end up with 4 different workouts. And do in the following order:

  • Warm Up
  • Flexibility A or B
  • Handstand A or B

E.g. Monday – Flexibility A & Handstand B, Tuesday – Flexibility A & Handstand A, etc


Learning handstands and bodyweight skills takes time. So don’t get discouraged if one day things work well and the other not. It is all part of the process.

Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Cardiovascular Activity6-8minAny type of low intensity cardiovascular exercise. Break a sweat!
W-Raises 8 repsGo slow and focus pulling shoulder blades together
W to Y-Raises 8 repsActively keep lifting arms up on Y-Raises
Back Extensions 8 repsInitiate lift by externally rotating your arms until thumb is facing the ceiling
Arm Circles 8 per directionExtend arms to the side and create small circular movements
Elbow Raises 8 repsLift elbows as high as you can
Knees to Chest 2 reps x 2Keep back pressed against floor at all times
Wrist Warm-UpFew reps eachChoose 2-3 Exercises, or feel free to add your own. Go through these until your wrists feel ready.

Flex - A

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
1 Legged Hamstring Stretch on back1set, 10reps each side & 10sec hold
1 Legged Good Mornings1set, 8reps each side
Pike Stretch At Wall with yoga block1set, 1min
Pancake with elevated glutes1set, 1min
Do the exercises above on one side first, then change
Runners Stretch40sec
Assisted runners stretch lifts10reps
Runners Stretch Slides1set, 10reps
Do the exercises above on one side first, then change
Sitting leg lifts1set, 10lifts, 10sec hold, 10pulses
Walking Downward Dog10reps

Flex - B

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Standing Active Pancake Warm Up1set, 10reps
1 Legged Good Mornings1set, 8reps each side
Do the exercises above on one side first, then change
Runners Stretch1min
Side Runners Stretch1min
Runners Stretch Reps1set, 10reps
Advanced Runners Stretch Combi1set, 10,10,10
Do everything above on one side first, then change sides
Press V-up Combi with Rope10reps
Sitting leg lifts1set, 10lifts, 10sec hold, 10pulses
Press Prep8reps

Handstand - A

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Wall Walks2sets, 3repsHands shoulder width apart. Look at your hands. Push out tall. Elbows locked. Core engaged! Do not arch your back!
Half Slide Away3sets, 3repsOnly use shoulders to initiate movement
Tuck to Straight to Tuck - Freestanding2sets, 1-3repsHold the tuck at the end. If easy do multiple reps
Freestanding Leg Circles2 sets each direction, 2 rounds eachDirection 1: Tuck Straddle Straight Tuck | Direction 2: Tuck Straight Straddle Tuck
Chest to Wall Press without touching the wall4sets, 2reps
Lower to Compression Hold3sets, max holdBig toe almost touches the floor
Bench Zombie Lower to Compression Hold3sets, Max Hold
Take Offs at Wall from 2 Blocks3sets, 4reps
Ball Zombies3sets, 8reps

Handstand - B

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Wall Walks2sets, 3repsHands shoulder width apart. Look at your hands. Push out tall. Elbows locked. Core engaged! Do not arch your back!
Slide Away3sets, 3repsOnly use shoulders to initiate movement
Tuck Slides1set, 4reps
2on2 Tuck Slides2sets, 3repsAlternatively if you do not have blocks put your hands on the floor close to each other so the thumbs touch side by side.
Freestanding Straight Leg Isolations2 sets, reps each legDon't overshoot the leg. Keep pushing out tall.
Chest to wall press without touching the wall4sets, 2reps
Chest to Wall Leg Lifts3sets, 5repsMake sure your legs are far below horizontal and that you pull your shoulders towards the wall every time that the feet take off.
Table Press3sets, 3reps
Active Pancake Stretch2sets, 10reps
Walking Dead3sets, 15reps

You made it!

You’ve reached the end of this workout. Go use your legs and get food, a drink or whatever else gives you joy! 

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Start lying on your stomach face down. Legs are locked and nothing moves except for arms.
Arms in 90° angle, with elbows aligned around the height of your eyes.
Focus on pulling your shoulder blades together as you lift your arms and chest up off the ground. Then bring your hands back to your forehead, and back again.

Start by lying on your stomach. Go from a W-Raise into a Y-Raise, meaning extend your arms up in front of you. Once they are extended in front of you lift them up towards the ceiling a little. That is one rep.

Start by lying on your stomach with your arms extended on each side. Have the back of your hand on the floor. Initiate the lift by externally rotating your arms until your thumb is facing the ceiling. Try to lift your chest up as high as you can, as you squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your shoulder blades back.

Lying with stomach on floor, extend arms to the side and create small circular movements, forward and backwards. Keep head on ground.

Interlace fingers behind your head and lift elbows as high as you can. Head stays on the ground the entire time. Legs are locked and feet pointed.

Start with back on ground. Lift your arms and shoulders up off the ground slightly. Push through your shoulders to extend your arms overhead, covering your ears with your shoulder. Keep that push throughout the whole motion.
Back stays pressed against the floor - you are trying to keep you ribs in and your core engaged.
To start: lift your legs off the ground into a hollow body hold. Knees are locked and pressed together & feet pointed. From there pull your knees towards your chest. Only go as far as your hip stays in place and doesn't roll up. You want to learn to move your legs individually without having any affect on the rest of your body.

With all wrist warm ups there is no specific number I want you to do, just do them until your wrists are fully warmed up. Generally better take more time to warm up instead of less. Pick the exercises that feel the best for your wrists, and if you already have a wrist warm-up routine, just go with that one.

Exercise 1 - Place palm of hand on the floor in various positions and angles (e.g. fingers facing your knees, fingers pointing to the outside, etc) while you load weight on to your arms gently

Exercise 2 - Place one hand on top of the other and only move your arm around (from straight to bend, imagine you are drawing circles with your elbow)

Exercise 3 - Place back of hands on ground and gently load weight on to your arms. Move around from side to side, front and back to stretch them out a bit.

Extend your arms in front of you and open/close your hands. Work on extending your fingers fully.

Start with your hand open facing towards the ceiling in extension. Now bring the tip of all 5 fingers together and and flex your wrist.

Put hands together in front you in a prayer position. Move hands downwards and elbows out to introduce a stretch. Go through these until wrists feel warm and ready

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