back progressions

Here is your full workout as an overview. This overview includes name, reps, short cue  and if you expand (“+”) you’ll also see a quick demo of the movement. To access the full tutorial just click on the exercise name & a screen will pop up on top with long description & how-to. Enjoy! 

warm up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Passe Developpe on Back
#N/ASissor to Frog - On Stomach#N/A
Middle Split Kicks
CleopatraHips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Use your back muscles to rise up. Work on moving the arch from your lower back into your hips.
Cleopatra - HoldHips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Use your back muscles and work on moving the arch from your lower back into your hips.
Knee to Side Warm UpHips & shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Gently push your bent knee down towards the floor. Lower back is straight. Shoulders down. Keep your straight leg locked and facing towards the ceiling
Standing 1 Legged Pike StretchKnees locked. keeo your hips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor.
Laying 1 Legged Hamstring Stretch - ProgressionPull your bent knee towards your chest. Hold the knee there and fully locked it. Do not move the knee away from the chest while extending it. Hold the position with the straight leg for a moment. Do not externally rotate either leg. Keep your hips and shoulders squared.
Laying 1 Legged Pancake StretchHips and shoulders stay squared. Do not externally rotate the bottom leg. Pull the bent knee up towards the chest and out sideways towards your armpit. Do not allow the knee to move away from this position while you extend it.
Runners Stretch SlidesHips & shoulders squared. Front knee is locked. Do not externally rotate the legs. On the way back up push the front heel into the floor and rotate the hips backwards/anteror pelvic tilt to arch the lower back. Get the feeling of pulling the hips back and up with your behind while lengthening the hamstring.
Middle Split V-UpsKnees are locked. Externally rotate the legs as soon as you open them. Bring them back to parallel when they are closed
Sissor to Middle SplitQuick and dynamic. Externally rotate the legs as soon as they open!
Lotus Wave Combi
Block assisted Middle Split with 1 Knee Bent - Straight Upper BodyStraight knee is fully locked to protect from injuries and faces the ceiling. Both knees and hips on 1 line. Rotate your hips to face forward and bring your upper body in a vertical position.
Middle Split on Back against Wall with ElasticKeep your knees fully locked to protect them from injuries.
Walking DogHips and shoulders squared. Squeeze shoulder blades behind to open the chest. Back is sligthly arched. Anterior pelvic tilt! Belly button touches leg first!
Middle Split Slide to KickHips and shoulders stay parallel to the floor at all times. Slide all the way out as far as you can before coming all the way back up to do the kick. The straight leg is facing in front! Do not arch or round your back!
Pancake RondesArch your lower back. Externally rotate your legs!
Middle Split Pulses on BackFeet and hips are in 1 straight line. Keep your back straight! Externally rotate your legs
Side Runners Stretch SlidesPlace your front heel towards the side in a pancake like position. Front knee is locked. On the way back up push the front heel into the floor and rotate the hips backwards/anteror pelvic tilt to arch the lower back. Get the feeling of pulling the hips back and up with your behind while lengthening the hamstring.
Middle Split on FloorFully lock your knees to protect them from bending. Make sure your feet and hips are in 1 straight line and keep your upper body parallel to the floor.
Middle Split on Back against Wall
Cat n CowArch and round as much as possible. When round push mid spine towards the ceiling. When arched pull head back, push chest foward by squeezing the shoulder blades behind the back, push shoulders down. Hips stay over knees at all times!
Side Lunges Bottom Swap
Side Lunge TableBoth feet are facing towards the front. Place your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt and shift them towards the back.
Standing 1 Legged Pancake Stretch
Half Middle Split HoldBoth knees, standing foot and pubic bone in line. Push the side of the hip where the knee touches the floor diagonally down
Deep Plie - Hold
#N/ALotus Waves#N/A
Lotus Stretch Back Against WallHeels as close to the hips as possible. Entire back is straight and touches the wall.
Laying 1 Legged Hamstring Stretch on Back with Elastic - HoldFully lock your knees and pull the foot twards your face. Keep your shoulders and both hips on the floor & squared.
Hip Opener - HoldBoth feet pointed. Keep the straight knee rotated towards the front! Hold your glutes and chest equally close to the floor!
Doorway Hamstring Rehab Stretch
Cobra - RepsUse back muscles to raise. Start with hands next to the chest. Squeeze elbows along the body. Push diagonally back and up with arms. Pull head back to create even arch.
Half Split Push OutHips & Shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Lower back is straight. Careful not to slip into an anterior pelvic tilt. Start with your front knee over your front heel. From here gently pushing it outwards without changing the position of your hips.
Half Wood ChopperKnees locked. Back is straight. Look at hands guiding the movement up.
1 Legged Lotus Forward StretchHeel is as close as possible towards the hips. Straight knee is fully locked. Work on moving forward and not down.
Middle Split with 1 Knee BentStraight knee fully locked to protect from injuries. Both knees and hips on 1 line. Upper body straight and parallel to floor.
Widest PancakeOpen your legs as wide as possible. Lock the knees fully and keep them facing towards the ceiling. Make sure your back stays straight and does not round.
Butterfly on BackHips and shoulders stay squared. Feet stay close to the floor.
Downward DogLock your knees and keep your heels on the floor. Push your shoulders towards your feet.
Assisted Middle Split at Wall

floor stretches

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/CuesWorkout 1
Cat n CowArch and round as much as possible. When round push mid spine towards the ceiling. When arched pull head back, push chest foward by squeezing the shoulder blades behind the back, push shoulders down. Hips stay over knees at all times!20
Hip Opener with Yoga Block on Stomach Do not arch lower back. Isolate stretch in hip flexor. Keep hips parallel to the floor.
Shoulder Warm Up with ElasticDo not rotate shoulders. Wrists stay in same position towards each other. Isolate shoulders in first one. Add chest for second movement. Never open your mid or lower back
Shoulder Stretch on KneesLook at hands. Elbows locked. Arch your back. Hips over knees or slightly further back. Push hips towards hands.
Shoulder Stretch on FloorLook at hands. Bring chest to floor. Isolate the stretch into the shoulders and keep hips over knees!
Active SphinxPush arms into floor. Lower stomach stays on floor. Use back muscles ro raise and pull head back. Shoulders down!
CobraUse back muscles to raise. Start with hands next to the chest. Squeeze elbows along the body. Push diagonally back and up with arms. Pull head back to create even arch.
#N/ACobra Side to Side#N/A
Cobra with Knees Bent against the WallHips stay on floor as low as possible. Actively open hips. Pull feet away from wall. Push diagonally back with arms, shoulders down, squeeze shoulder blades behind back. Pull head back.
Cobra with Bent KneesHips stay on floor as low as possible. Actively open hips. Push diagonally back with arms, shoulders down, squeeze shoulder blades behind back. Pull head & feet towards each other. Create even round.
Cobra with Straight KneesShoulders down. Arms push diagonally back & up. Feet flexed push hips towards arms creating a even arch in lower back. Engage your hips!
Klaritas Extended Morning StretchPut your chest on the floor as close as possible to the knees during the first move. Head guides the movement. Knees are static in one place. Do not allow them to move

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knee bridges

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Externally Rotated Hamstring Bridges
Z-Stretch Side Bend
Internal & External Hip Rotations with Elastic
Laying Pissing Dog with Elastic
Hamstring Bridge Push Outs
External Hip Rotations on Stomach with Elastic

half splits

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Half Split PrepHips & shoulders parallel to the floor. Posterior pelvic tilt. Hips over back knee.
Half SplitHips & shoulders parallel to the floor. Posterior pelvic tilt. Use wall/chair for balance if necessary
Half Split Side BendsHips and shoulders stay parallel. Posterior pelvic tilt. Reach up tall towards the ceiling and keep this length while bending towards the side!
Half Split Back Knee Bent - ArchedHips & shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Block not too close to wall.
#N/AHalf Split Back Knee Bent - Wall Walks#N/A
#N/AHalf Split Back Knee Bent - Wall Taps#N/A
Half Split Back Knee Straight


DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Yoga BridgePush hips forward. Even rounding of the back.
Bridge From FloorGo up through hamstring bridge first. Then extend the elbows. Push hips towards ceiling. Pull head back trying to look at heels. Create even arch.
Knee Bridge Wall WalksLengthen spine to begin. Arms glued to ears. Open each part of back one by one. Take small steps. Try to extend your elbows between each step. Hips stay close to knee line the whole time.
#N/ABridge Combination#N/A

cool down

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Upper and Lower Body Lifts on Stomach
#N/Aswimming on stomach#N/A
scissor kicks
Rounded Rehab CrunchesGo slow & round 1 vertebral at the time.
Heels to SkyStraight up! Not in an angle. Stay in line!
Legs behind the Head Rehab TouchesGo slow. Place your arms along the body not under your hips. Lengthen your spine. Knees locked. Feet together


DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Hip Opener10xBoth feet pointed. While pushing hips back simoutaniously push chest towards the floor
Lotus Sit Ups10xQuick and dynamic! First reach up and then come to the front.
Butterfly on Back10xHips and shoulders stay squared. Feet stay close to the floor.
Middle Split Kicks on Back15xKeep your hips on the floor and back straight. Feet and hips are in 1 straight line. Keep your knees fully engaged and externally rotate the legs as soon as they open.
Active Leg Rotations on Back10xKeep your feet as close as possible to the floor. Without moving the hips rotate the legs inside of the hips to the maximum each time
Active Leg Rotations on Stomach10xDo not arch your back. Keep your knees locked. Open as wide as possible into a middle split at the beginning of each rep.
Frog To Middle Split15xKnees and hips in 1 line during the frog position. Pull your knees down towards the floor and do not allow them to move while extending the legs into the middle split position. Lock your knees fully every time!

You made it!

You’ve reached the end of this workout. Go use your legs and get food, a drink or whatever else gives you joy! 

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