Wall Training

All About That Tuck

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Lotus Wave
Keep your shoulders low and your feet about the length of your forearm distance from your hips.
Start each wave by your chin pressing into your chest to fully round your entire back as you come forward.
On your way back arch starting with your head and pull your chest towards the front.
Lotus Forward Stretch
Reach your hands towards the front on the floor. Avoid rounding your back. Look at your hands. The goal is not to stretch downwards but forwards.
Straighten out your lower back. Flip your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt if possible.
Slide into a slightly deeper stretch every time you exhale.
Sitting Hip Mobility Rotations - Elevated Glutes
6x each side alternating
Keep your shoulders low and squared with your hips.
As you bend towards the side push your bottom armpit towards the front.
Move your legs in synchronicity.
1 Legged Good Morning
8x each side none alternating
Hold your hips in a slight anterior pelvic tilt, keep your back straight and guide the movement with your coccyx.
Keep your shoulders low and pull them together in the back. Actively push your elbows back as well. Keep your hips and shoulders squared.
Move slow and focus on muscle engagement, alignment and balance.
Walking Pike - Assisted
The anterior pelvic tilt is the most important part of this exercise.
As you move your foot pull your toes up towards your chin and flex your foot.
Keep your knees locked and shoulders squared with the hips at all times.
Runners Stretch - Assisted
40sec each side
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Lock the front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor. Flex your foot pulling your toes towards the chin. Place your hands further towards the front to increase difficulty.
Runners Slide Hip Engagement - Assisted
8x each side
Place the elastic around your lower back. Push against it as you round your back and let it help you as you arch your back to increase learning and coordination building.
Keep your hips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Especially pay attention to the hip of the moving leg. Do not allow it to rise up as you switch into the anterior pelvic tilt.
Fully lock your front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor.
Shoulder Warm Up with Elastic
Keep your mid and lower back stable and engaged at all times. Do not arch beyond your chest.
Your wrists stay in the same position towards each other. Do not allow your hands to rotate to eliminate the possibility of your shoulders rotating.
Exhale as you open your shoulders.
Seated Wall Slides - Reps
Externally rotate your arms to prvent your elbows from flaring. The pits of your elbows should face each other or better point towards the ceiling.
Keep your shoulders depressed and look straight forward at the wall.
Exhale as you lock your arms overhead and gently push your armpits towards the wall.
Shoulder Opener on Knees at Wall
Lock your elbows and slightly depress your shoulders.
Place your knees about hip width apart on the floor underneath your hips.
Slide your hands downwards on the wall allowing your back to arch before than pushing your hips towards the wall to add an additional stretch to your back.
Shoulder Lift - on Floor at Wall
Keep your fingers connected with the wall whilst lifting the hands.
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Do not lift your chest off the floor. Isolate the movement into your shoulders.
Active Sphinx
Use your back muscles to rise up whilst keeping your belly button and rib cage on the floor.
With your hands firmly on the ground pull your body gently towards the front in the sphinx position as if you were trying to create distance between your ribs.
Keep your shoulders low and squeeze your shoulder blades behind your back for a moment before lowering back down. Fully extend your elbows between each rep.
Cobra - Reps
Squeeze your elbows alongside your body and keep your shoulders low at all times. Your feet should be about hip with apart and your legs engaged.
One by one open each part of your back to its fullest potential before moving on the the next one. Guide the movement with your hands and head head, followed by your chest, mid and finally lower back creating an arch from the very beginning.
Focus on the way back down and begin to relax one part of your back chain at the time in reverse. Keep your back engaged and try to use your arms as little as possible.
Cobra to Cow
To transition into the cobra your hip bones guide the movement. Extend your legs as you arch your back. Use your back muscle to actively pull into a deeper stretch.
Returning to the starting position is the most important part of the exercise. Hold your hips in the anterior pelvic tilt and guide the movement with your glutes.
Ideally you will carry the arch created in your back during the cobra until you are back on all four.
Bench Forearmstand Hip Engagements
Slide your legs on the box and actively flip your hip between the anterior and posterior pelvic tilt. Isolate the movement into your lower back. Your shoulders have to remain open in a straight line at all times.
Use your lower back muscles. Actively pull your hips into the anterior pelvic tilt.
Push tall from your shoulders and do not allow your head to touch the floor or your hands.
Rounded Rehab Crunch
Gently push your chin into your chest to round your upper back.
Keep your shoulders down, elbows locked and do not use your arms for help.
Keep your knees and feet hip width apart. Place your feet on the floor as close as possible towards your glutes whilst maintain perfect form.
Legs behind the Head Rehab Touches
Place your hands out towards the side and not underneath your hips.
Lengthen your spine as you aim to touch your toes to the floor above your head as you exhale. Lock your knees and keep your feet together.
Roll your back and feel each vertebrae leaving and reconnecting with the floor at a time.
Hip Bridge to Crunch
During the Hip Bridge drive your heels into the floor and push your hips up.
During the crunching part of the rep lift your back off the floor 1 vertebrae at the time reaching forward.
Keep your lower back on the floor as your upper body raises. Do not sit up in between reps.
Sitting Tuck Planche Compression
Lean back to lift off your feet.
Compress using your core muscles and push your hands forward. Protract and depress your scapula. Lock your elbows.

Sitting L Sit Leg Lift - Block Assisted
Work with strength only. Do not slam your feet into the floor on the way back down.
Lock your knees and point your feet!
Exhale as you lift your legs.
V-Up Combi
2x6 each
Aim with your face towards your foot. Keep your back as straight as possible, shoulders down and arms engaged.
Keep the immobile leg on the floor for control and balance. As you bring both legs up open them sligthly to reach in between.
1 repetition equals 1 V-Up with each leg and 2 with both!
Tuck Slide
Keep your knees together and make them touch the wall as you pull them down.
Pull your knees as low as possible whilst engaging your lower back. In the tuck position your hips need to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt. As soon as your lower back rounds and your hips flip into a posterior pelvic tilt your knees are too low.
Lock your elbows, elevate your scapula and look at the spot in between your hands.
Wall Tuck Planche - Negative
6x total
Protract your shoulders and round your back. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out in the back.
Go as slow as possible and try to stay in control the entire time! If you feel like you are going to low and you are about to lose control: Stop and simply try to freeze in place!
Lock your elbows! This is a straight arm drill. If you are not training on parallettes consider externally rotating your hands to ease pressure on your wrists.
Box Tuck Single Leg Isolation
1x2 each side alternating
Time your hips and knee. If you were watching this drill from the side the foot should travel up and back down on one vertical line.
Keep your immobile leg fully bent and the heel close to your glutes. Place your shoulders on top of the center of your hands and push out tall.
Make sure the box for your tuck is high enough. Your hips have to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt and never in a posterior one. Only place the knees on the box.
Box Tuck Leg Isolation
1x2 each side
If you feel like you have to arch your back to use the top leg as counter weight your alignment is off. Push out tall from your shoulders and move them on top of the center of your hands instead of trying to force this to work by opening into a banana position.
Make sure the box for your tuck is high enough. Your hips have to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt and never in a posterior one. Consider placing a mat or something soft on the box to soften the blow in case you lose control and come down a bit faster.
Focus on the way back and isolate the movement in 1 leg at the time. Do not use your top leg as a counter weight. Stabilize your hips with your back and use your hip flexors to actively pull the first knee down until it touches the box.
Lying Tuck Planche Compression
Reach for the ceiling with your hands and protract. Use your hip flexors and core to compress as hard as you can.
Lift your head, shoulder blades and lower back off the floor.

Lower to Box Tuck
6x total
Engage your lower back to pull on your hips. Do not allow your lower back to round.
Focus on your shoulders. Keeping them elevate is key here. Do not allow them to close or to slide towards the front.
Make sure the box for your tuck is high enough. Your hips have to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt and never in a posterior one. Consider placing a mat or something soft on the box to soften the blow in case you lose control and come down a bit faster.
Box Tuck to Handstand
Time your hips and knees. If you were watching this drill from the side the feet should travel up and back down on 1 vertical line.
Go slow on the way down and keep your elbows locked. Both directions matter!
Make sure the box for your tuck is high enough. Your hips have to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt and never in a posterior one. Consider placing a mat or something soft on the box to soften the blow in case you lose control and come down a bit faster.
Mountain Climber
20x each side
Keep your shoulders right on top of your hands and your neck in a neutral position.
Pull your knee close to your chest in each rep and fully lock the opposite knee.
Engage your core, keep your hips low and stable and your back straight.
Foam Roller Forearm Plank Crunch
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Engage your core and hip flexors to pull ypur knees towards your chest whilst keeping the shoulders immobile. Allow your hips to rise whilst keeping the shins parallel to the floor.
Return to your starting position in a clean and controlled manner. Do not allow your back to arch, anything but your forearms to touch the floor and do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind you. Stay protracted!
Tuck Slide
Keep your knees together and make them touch the wall as you pull them down.
Pull your knees as low as possible whilst engaging your lower back. In the tuck position your hips need to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt. As soon as your lower back rounds and your hips flip into a posterior pelvic tilt your knees are too low.
Lock your elbows, elevate your scapula and look at the spot in between your hands.
Tuck Take Off
Do not jump off the wall or lean or shoulder excessively towards the front to get off the wall.
Take both feet off the wall at the same time!
Lock your elbows, elevate your scapula and look at the spot in between your hands.
Tuck Take Off to Straddle to Tuck
Pull your knees into a tight tuck on the way back to avoid touching the wall.
Focus on the rotation of your legs inside of your hips. In the tuck position they are in parallel. When you push them open into the straddle they are externally rotated with your knees looking towards the floor.
Lift your legs. Do not let them hang behind in a pancake and drag you down.
Hip Flexor Conditioning - Pulses with Elastic
2x20sec each side
Connect both of your ankles with an elastic either by placing them through loops or by simply making knots.
Pulse your leg up and down in small motions about parallel to the floor.
Fully lock your knee, point your foot and curls your toes. Feel your quad and calf on fire.
Cat n Cow - Elastic Assisted
Place the band around your back with your hands inside it. Use the band not just to create a bigger arch but also as a target to analyze where to arch and where to round.
As you round your back push your hands into the floor and away from you to further round your back.
Imagine pulling the floor towards your knees to support your back for a deeper arch.
Straight to Tuck to Straight
Time your hips and knees. If you were watching this drill from the side the feet should travel down and back up on 1 vertical line.
Pull your knees as low as possible in the tuck but stop before your lower back rounds, shoulders close or elbows bend.

Tuck Pull
Make sure your shoulders stay right on top of the center of your hands. Do not push them open in the direction of your armpits or allow them to close and slide in the direction of your back.
To succeed here you need to combine strength, control, mobility and coordination. This is a big project!
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Slow Lower Through Tuck Planche to Knees
6x total
Lean your shoulders towards the front and slowly lower your hips until they are level with your shoulders. Focus on keeping protraction. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out in the back!
Go as slow as possible and try to stay in control the entire time! If you feel like you are going to low and you are about to lose control: Stop and simply try to freeze in place!
Lock your elbows! This is a straight arm drill. If you are not training on parallettes consider externally rotating your hands to ease pressure on your wrists.
Back Fly with Elastic in 5 Angles
1x8 each angle
Straighten your arms and work with your palms facing the attachment point.
Straighten out your back and keep your shoulders low.
Work through all 5 angles: Up overhead, 45 degrees towards the side, perfectly out towards the side, 45 degrees towards the floor and with the hands next to the hips.
Front Fly with Elastic in 5 Angles
1x8 each angle
Straighten your arms and work with your palms facing away from the attachment point. Keep your knees sligthly bent.
Straighten out your back and keep your shoulders low.
Work through all 5 angles: Up overhead, 45 degrees towards the side, perfectly out towards the side, 45 degrees towards the floor and with the hands next to the hips.
Outward External Rotation with Elastic
1x8 each side
Externally rotate your arm against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbow connected to your side.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure., "Go slow and controlled. We are training very small stabilizing muscles here. If the applied pressure becomes too high the bigger shoulder muscles will take over. For them the elastic will not apply enough force and the exercise becomes useless. Use a weak elastic, focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure."
Internal Shoulder Rotation with Elastic
1x8 each side
Internally rotate your arm against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbow connected to your side.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure., "Go slow and controlled. We are training very small stabilizing muscles here. If the applied pressure becomes too high the bigger shoulder muscles will take over. For them the elastic will not apply enough force and the exercise becomes useless. Use a weak elastic, focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure."
Protraction Cat 'n' Cow
Keep your scapula depressed the entire time. Slightly arch your back as you move into retraction and round your back as you push into protraction. The emphasis here should be on the protraction moment. It should feel as if you were trying to make your shoulder touch in front of your chest.
Lock your elbows and turn the pits of your elbows 45 degrees towards the front.
Keep your head in a neutral position and look at the floor. Do not look towards the front or in a mirror next to you as you might strain your neck. If you want to check on your form film yourself!
Forearm Plank Scapula Push Up
Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Place your shoulders right on top of your elbows.
Whilst you don't have to forcefully push your shoulders down it is important not to elevate them either.
Banded Scapular Protraction
Keep your scapula depressed the entire time. Round your upper back sligthly as you push into protraction. It should feel as if you were trying to make your shoulder touch in front of your chest.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front.
Keep your lower back straight and engage your core and glutes. Your hips can be in a slight posterior pelvic tilt but not the opposite.
Planche Lean
Place your feet against the wall to prevent them from sliding and mark the distance of your hands to the wall on the floor to measure your progress over time. The closer your hands are the harder this becomes.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Banded Planche Lean
Protract and depress your scapula to be able to fight gravity, protect yourself from injuries and to use your shoulders to their fullest potential.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Butterfly Shoulder Warmup
3x up and down
Apply constant outwards pressure on the elastic as you raise your arms overhead and back.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Engage your core to stabilize your position.
Overhead Warm Up Push
Separate your movements. First rotate your arms inside of your shoulders to bring the elbows in front of your chest. Then push your hands overhead.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Apply outwards pressure on the elastic the entire time but do not externally rotate your arms.
External Rotation with Loop
Externally rotate your arms against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbows connected to your side.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Engage your core to stabilize your position.
Looped Wall Step
1x6 step each way
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Slide your hand out on the wall against the pressure of the elastic. Keep your elbows locked.
Engage your core to stabilize your position.
Forearm Plank Shoulder Burner with Elastic and Foam Roller
Rock your elbows back and forth carefully whilst keeping your body stable.
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.
Banded Scapular Protraction
Keep your scapula depressed the entire time. Round your upper back sligthly as you push into protraction. It should feel as if you were trying to make your shoulder touch in front of your chest.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front.
Keep your lower back straight and engage your core and glutes. Your hips can be in a slight posterior pelvic tilt but not the opposite.
Maltese Sit Up against Elastic
Lock your elbows and protract your shoulders. Externally rotate your arms so your writs are pointing upwards.
Sit all the way up until your shoulders are fully open. Look at your hands at all time and transition from scapula depression to elevation at the very end.
Engage your core, squeeze your legs together and straighten your knees.
Banded Planche Lean
Protract and depress your scapula to be able to fight gravity, protect yourself from injuries and to use your shoulders to their fullest potential.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Banded Planche Lean - Max Effort Hold
Depress your shoulders and protract them as hard as you can against the band. Lean towards the front whilst you keep pushing as hard as possible. This is about how bad you want it!! You should not be able to hold this Max Effort for more than 5 sec.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.

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