8-12 Min of low impact high intensity warm up Break a sweat!
Demo | Exercise | Reps/Sets | How to/Cues |
Hip Opener | 10x each side | Place both knees, your hips and the foot of the extended leg in 1 line.Push both your glutes and chest towards the floor.Keep your hips squared with your shoulders and equal weight on both hands. Straighten your back.Place the hand of the bent knee not in front of the knee but slightly further in. | |
Half Middle Split Back Knee Extensions | 8x each side | Start and finish with both of your knees, shoulders, the standing foot and your hips in 1 line.Push your opposite hip down towards the heel of the standing foot.Fully lock your back knee in each rep.During the lateral part of the exercise imagine you were in a toaster. Do not allow your hips to rotate. Keep them right underneath your shoulders and in line with your foot and knee. | |
Squat to Plie | 8x | Lead the turn out movement with the knees. Keep your hips low as you externally rotate.Push your knees towards the back and hips towards the front.Work on keeping your upper body as vertical as possible.In the bottom position of your plie your knees should be on top of your feet and level with your hips. | |
Alternating Calf Raises in Deep Plie | 2x10 each side | Place your feet on the floor wide enough so that at the bottom of your plie the knees are on top of the center of your feet.As you plie down imagine you were in a toaster. Push your knees back and hips towards the front. Your knees should travel out on top of your toes.Keep your hips low as you raise on your tippy toes. Only your heel and knee should raise.Externally rotate your feet on the floor and keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and in line. |
Demo | Exercise | Reps/Sets | How to/Cues |
Row - Rotate - Press | 2x8 each side | Attach the elastic on the floor in front of you.Separate your movements. First pull your hand back and up aligning your elbow with the shoulders, then rotate the arm and finally press the hand overhead. Follow this same path on the way back down.Imagine you had a solid stick going through your shoulders and the working arm all the way to your elbow. Rotate the arm on this axis.Stand far enough from your attachment point so you can apply constant backwards pressure on the elastic as you extend your arm overhead. | |
Internal Shoulder Rotations with Elastic | 2x8 each side | Stand sideways to your attachment point. Place your working elbow in a 90 degree angle by your side. Rotate your hands so the palm is facing the attachment point.Internally rotate your arm against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbow connected to your side.Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure. | |
Chest to Wall Shoulder Lifts | 1x4 | Separate the exercise in 4 movements. First reach tall towards the ceiling whilst keeping your wrists connected with the wall, then lift your hands away from the wall, then bring them back down and finally pull your shoulders back down towards your hips.Keep your quads, hips and chest connected with the wall at all times.Lock your elbows and look at your hands. | |
Shoulder Lifts on Floor | 2x4 | Separate the exercise in 4 movements. First reach tall towards the front, then lift your hands up, then bring the hands back down and finally pull your shoulders back towards your hips.Hover your chin close to the floor.Lock your elbows and look at your hands.Do not lift your chest off the floor. Isolate the movement into your shoulders. | |
Motor Bike Wrist Warm Up | 10x each side | Make fists with your hands in front of you with your elbows 90 degrees bent by your side.Move your wrists from full flexion into full extension and back.Stay in each extreme for a moment for an active stretch.Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips. | |
Prayer Pose Wrist Stretch Rotations | 4x | Connect the palms of your hands in front of your face and spread your fingers open wide.Keeping your hands in a vertical position push them down in front of your body towards your belly button.Keeping your hands low rotate them for the fingertips to point towards you and then away from you. Keep pressure on your wrists the entire time and rotate your hands sligthly further in each repetition.Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips. |
Demo | Exercise | Reps/Sets | How to/Cues |
Single Leg Diamond Pulls at Wall | 1x4 each sdie | Pull one leg at the time into the diamond and back out.Externally rotate your legs. The goal is to slide the heels on the wall.Create a perfect diamond shape with your legs. Your toes should touch and your lower back needs to stay straight.Push tall from your shoulders and do not allow your head to touch the floor or your hands. | |
Diamond Pull Circle at Wall on Forearms | 2x4 | Externally rotate your legs. The goal is to slide the heels on the wall.Do not allow your knees to move as you extend or bend your knees. Your diamond position dictates how far your legs will be open during the straddle.Straighten your lower back. Do not allow your hips to flip into an anterior pelvic tilt.Pull one leg at the time into the diamond and back out. | |
Overhead Leg Crosses | 1x6 | Stay quick and dynamic. Go as fast as you can whilst staying clean and in control.Externally rotate your legs. The goal is to slide the heels on the wall.Work the entire range from your feet hovering just of the floor until they are almost touching the floor above you. Engage your core to stabilize the position. Do not allow your hips to swing from side to side or to rotate.Fully lock your knees and keep them locked at all times. | |
Passe Developpe on Back | 2x4 each side | Externally rotate the leg as soon as it moves.Push your knee towards the floor and heel towards the ceiling as you pull the foot as high as possible along the immobile leg.Engage your core to stabilize your position.Keep your hips and shoulders squared the entire time. |