Week 2 Day 1


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Warm Up Stretches

Rest between sets: As Needed
Intensity: Light
Press Coordination Warm Up

Rest between sets: As Needed
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on form

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Parallel Runners Stretch Reaches
2x8 each side
In the same moment focus on your anterior pelvic tilt. Work on arching your lower back as you reach forward.
Keep your hips on top of the back knee at all times.
Keep your front knee fully locked and push the bottom of the knee into the floor. Place your hands further in front to increase difficulty.
Pike Press Prep
6x each side
As you shift your hips back pull the toes of your straight leg up towards your face.
When lean forward load your hands and push your index fingers into the floor. Use your back muscles to pull your hips towards the anterior pelvic tilt.
Bend your elbows and pull your chin towards your toes as your hips rise.
Compression Bird Dog
2x4 each side
Look at your hand and keep the arm and leg up.
Move slow and stay in control at all times!
Lock the lifted elbow and knee.

Shoulder Prehab

Rest between sets: As Needed
Intensity: Light

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Butterfly Shoulder Warmup
3x up and down
Apply constant outwards pressure on the elastic as you raise your arms overhead and back.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Engage your core to stabilize your position.
Overhead Warm Up Pushes
Separate your movements. First rotate your arms inside of your shoulders to bring the elbows in front of your chest. Then push your hands overhead.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Apply outwards pressure on the elastic the entire time but do not externally rotate your arms.
External Rotations with Loop
Externally rotate your arms against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbows connected to your side.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Engage your core to stabilize your position.
Looped Wall Steps
1x6 step each way
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Slide your hand out on the wall against the pressure of the elastic. Keep your elbows locked.
Engage your core to stabilize your position.
Forearm Plank Shoulder Burner with Elastic and Foam Roller
Rock your elbows back and forth carefully whilst keeping your body stable.
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.

Wrist Warm Up

Rest between sets: As Needed
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on form
Press Training

Rest between sets: As Needed
Intensity: Light

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