Specific Warm Up
Rest between sets:Minimal
Intensity: Light
Demo Exercise Reps/Sets How to/Cues
Straighten your arms and work with your palms facing the attachment point.Straighten out your back and keep your shoulders low.Work through all 5 angles: Up overhead, 45 degrees towards the side, perfectly out towards the side, 45 degrees towards the floor and with the hands next to the hips.
Straighten your arms and work with your palms facing away from the attachment point. Keep your knees sligthly bent.Straighten out your back and keep your shoulders low.Work through all 5 angles: Up overhead, 45 degrees towards the side, perfectly out towards the side, 45 degrees towards the floor and with the hands next to the hips.
Externally rotate your arm against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbow connected to your side.Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure., "Go slow and controlled. We are training very small stabilizing muscles here. If the applied pressure becomes too high the bigger shoulder muscles will take over. For them the elastic will not apply enough force and the exercise becomes useless. Use a weak elastic, focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure."
Internally rotate your arm against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbow connected to your side.Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure., "Go slow and controlled. We are training very small stabilizing muscles here. If the applied pressure becomes too high the bigger shoulder muscles will take over. For them the elastic will not apply enough force and the exercise becomes useless. Use a weak elastic, focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure."
Keeping your hands in a vertical position push them down in front of your body towards your belly button.Apply pressure on your wrists by pushing your hands together and move sligthly deeper in each repetition.Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Keeping your hands in a vertical position push them down in front of your body towards your belly button.Keeping your hands low rotate them for the fingertips to point towards you and then away from you. Keep pressure on your wrists the entire time and rotate your hands sligthly further in each repetition.Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Activation Training
Rest Between Sets: As Needed
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on form
Demo Exercise Reps/Sets How to/Cues
Keep your scapula depressed the entire time. Round your upper back sligthly as you push into protraction. It should feel as if you were trying to make your shoulder touch in front of your chest.Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front.Keep your lower back straight and engage your core and glutes. Your hips can be in a slight posterior pelvic tilt but not the opposite.
Place your feet against the wall to prevent them from sliding and mark the distance of your hands to the wall on the floor to measure your progress over time. The closer your hands are the harder this becomes.Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Measure the distance of your hands to the wall and place your head close to the wall as you lean forward. Keep your head in the same distance to the wall throughout the entire hold to assure consistent pressure on your shoulders.Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Rotate your hands so the wrists face towards the ceiling.Keep your chest out and back sligthly arched.As you bring your hands forward mimic the motion of hugging a tree and squeeze your chest in the process.
DROP SET – 3 Rounds
Rest Between Sets: Between Rounds Only
Intensity: Elevated | Focus on form
12 – 9 – 6
Rest Between Sets: as little as possible
Rep Count: 12 reps in round 1. Then 9 in round 2 & 6 in round 3.