Your Customized

handstand workout

Your Customized

handstand workout

General Warm Up

DemoExerciseSets & RepsHow to/Cues
Jumping Jacks40secQuick, dynamic & fast. Get your heart rate going and do not stump into the floor! Fly like a butterfly!
Plank Skiing40secKeep your shoulders engaged at all times. Hips stay low while swinging side to side.
Half Wood Chopper12xKnees locked. Back is straight. Look at hands guiding the movement up.
Runners Stretch Table30sec each sideAnterior pelvic tilt. Back is straight. Hips right above the back knee. Shoulders down/ Scapular depressed.
Side Runners Stretch Table30sec each sideHips and shoulders squared. Front leg locked and externally rotated. Anterior pelvic tilt with a sligthly arched back if possible. Pull your shoulderblades together in the back.
Widest Pancake40secOpen your legs as wide as possible. Lock the knees fully and keep them facing towards the ceiling. Make sure your back stays straight and does not round.
Middle Split with Both Knees Bent40secBoth knees and hips on 1 line. Upper body straight and parallel to the floor. Use pillow or box under chest to get compfortable.

Specific Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Forehead to W8xRotate your thumbs up during the W part. Make sure that your elbows are 90 degrees bent and in line with the shoulders. Do not lift the entire upper body. Only lift the elbows and hands.
Straight to W8xFirst reach out towards the front to elevate the scapula then lift the hands up towards the ceiling. On the way back stop with your elbows in line with the shoulders. Lift your elbows and hands up towards the ceiling here as well. Keep your chest on the floor at all times.
Back Extensions8xStart by internally rotating your arms so the back rounds and the pinky fingers touch the floor. Then externally rotate the arm, squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back, look up towards the ceiling and engage the whole back lifting the upper body of the floor. Open your legs sligthly for this exercise.
Arm Circles10x each directionIsolate the movement into the arms only. The rest of the body stays tight and immobile. Quick, small and dynamic circles to wake the shoulders up and get them ready.
Elbow Lifts8xKeep your forehead on the floor and interlock your fingers behind your head.
Wrist Warm UpAs neededStretch your wrists on the floor in all possible directions.

2 Arm Prep

DemoExerciseSets & RepsHow to/Cues
Wall Walks2x3Scapular elevated at all times. Look at hands at all times. Walk as close as possible to the wall. Do not allow your stomach to touch the wall. Feet only!
Lateral Leg Isolations from Straight - at Wall1x3 each leg alternatingExternally rotate the leg as soon as it moves. Do not move your shoulders or hips. Keep both perfectly centered and parallel towards the floor and each other.
Slide Away2x3Start with your body in a perfectly straight line. Feet are the only thing touching the wall. Look at your hands and push out tall. Elbows locked. Move your shoulders to the front and slide the feet down the wall. When you are about to fall over take off from the wall and align yourself in a straight, freestanding handstand. Come abck to the wall as one straight unit. Do not close your shoulders on the way back. Do not pull your hips during the slide away. Do not arch your back. The only position change should be in the shoulders!
Tuck to Straight & Tuck to Straddle2x2 eachKeep your elbows locked at all times and your scapular elevated. Only the legs should be moving during this drill. Nothing else!
Leg Circles - Straight Straddle Tuck1x2Keep elbows locked at all times. Do not round your lower back!
Gaze Shifts2x3 each directionNothing moves but your gaze. Keep your scpula fully elevated, weight in the fingertips, core and glutes engaged. Look from 1 hand to the other. Go slow and controlled! Isolate the head!
Miami Slide Away2x2 each sideBend your block elbow sligthly so both scapula can be fully elevated and parallel to the floor. Start closer to the wall and do not pike your hips!

Side Warm Up

DemoExerciseSets & RepsHow to/Cues
Standing Side Bends5x each sideHips parallel to floor. Core engaged. Shoulders down. Do not rotate. Imagine you are in a toaster and don't want to burn yourself.
Kneeling Side Bends5x each sideHips locked in place. Core engaged. Arms by ears. Shoulders down.
One Legged Kneeling Side Bends5x each sideKeep the outside of the hip right above the bent knee. Externally rotate the straight leg so the knee faces towards the ceiling. Do not rotate. Push your bottom pit towards the front.
Small Side Bends - Wall3x2 each sideStart small and isolate the movement between the last rib and the hips. Keep both feet against the wall at all times. Keep the distance between the shoulders and the wall equal. Do not move your head or shift your gaze!


DemoExerciseSets & RepsHow to/Cues
2on2 Tuck Slides2x4If you do not have blocks place your hands on the floor as close to each other as possible!
Extreme Half Slide Away2x2Slide your feet down the wall while moving the shoulders towards the front. Keep your scapula elevated and core engaged. Your entire body from shoulders to toes needs to stay in 1 straight line. Do not pike at the hips and do not arch your back. Point your feet on the wall and wear socks in the same color as the wall.
Forearm Plank Walk Ups12xMake sure to work both arms equally. Do not arch your back or pike at your hips!

Post Workout Stretches

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Back of Shoulder Stretch30sec each sideKeep your elbow locked and place the palm of your hand flat against the wall. Play with different angles until you find the one that works for you!
Active Sphinx30sec holdPush arms into floor. Lower stomach stays on floor. Use back muscles ro raise and pull head back. Shoulders down!
Prep for Half Split30sec each sideHips & shoulders parallel to the floor. Posterior pelvic tilt. Hips over back knee.
Half Split Side Bends30sec each sideHips and shoulders stay parallel. Posterior pelvic tilt. Reach up tall towards the ceiling and keep this length while bending towards the side!
Reverse Wrist Stretch30sec each sideGently stretch the wrist back into the opposite direction that you just worked on.

True Technical Breakdown

The main problem with one arm handstands really is that no one has broken them down and truly analyzed the technical details of the movement. Until today! Learn and truly understand each valuable detail and work you way through progressions to master each aspect of the one arm handstand!

Complete Programming

Handstands is so much more than just simply standing on your hands. Each workout start with an injury prevention warm up and stretches, followed by technical training and conditioning at the end.

More than just the Drills

Training is obviously important when it comes to mastering the OAHS but becomes completely useless if you do not know what you are doing and why! Every workout start with a short theory lesson about exercises introduced during the following workout to assure you perfectly prepared for upcoming challenges.

Prehab > Rehab

If you work hard you have to recover harder. In order to assure that you can continue to train without having to take extra days off and without getting more sore than needed I have included active recovery day workouts and injury prevention protocols!

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