Middle split coaching group week 2 - Tuesday

Specific Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Sitting Adducteur Rollingas neededPlace the foam roller on the inside of your thigh to roll and massage your adductor muscles.
Keep your quad approximately in a 90 degrees angle in the hips.
Focus on the worked muscle and actively relax it.
Keep your knee 90 degrees bent and the shin about parallel to the floor.
Standing Tiny Knee Extensions against Elastic10x each sideFace the attachment point and hang the elastic at around knee height.
Carefully lock out your knee against the resistance of the elastic.
Keep your hips and shoulders squared at all times.
Alternating Plie Jumps3x each sideSeparate the jump from the turn. Freeze in between to stay in control at all times.
Keep your hips low as you swap between the plie and the half kneeling position.
As you jump fully lock your knees, point your feet and keep your legs externally rotated.
Externally rotate your feet so that your toes point towards the outside.
Knee Extensions on Back - with Block10x each sideKeeping your shoulders low and elbows locked whilst pushing your hands and knees into the block.
Fully lock your knee in each rep and keep actively pushing your hands and knee into the block as you bend it.
Square your hips with your shoulders.
Keep your bottom leg engaged.
Half Split40sec each sideFocus on your posterior pelvic tilt first. Do not allow your lower back to arch.
Place your foot far enough towards the front so at the deepest position of your stretch your knee is on top of the foot with you shin in a vertical line.
Push your hips towards your front foots heel.
Keep your shoulders low and squared with your hips.

Hamstring Stretches

Middle Split Stretches

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