Flexibility Workout

How to Handstand

Flexibility Workout

How to handstand

Dead Bug Circles
10x each direction | 1 set
Half Split
40sec each side | 1 set
Half Split Push Out
20sec each side | 1 set
Half Wood Chopper
20x | 1 set
Walking Pike
20 steps | 1 set
Assisted 1 Legged Pike Stretch
40sec each side | 1 set
Standing Diagonal 1 Legged Pike Stretch
40sec each side | 1 set
Runners Stretch
40sec each side | 1 set
Half Middle Split
10x each side | 1 set
Middle Split with Both Knees Bent - Active
40sec | 1 set
Middle Split with Both Knees Bent
40sec | 1 set
Hip Opener - Hold
40sec each side | 1 set
1 Legged Lotus Forward Stretch
40sec each side | 1 set

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Pull your knees as close as possible towards the floor. Use your glute muscles to actively help the movement. Lower back stays on the floor at all times

Hips & shoulders parallel to the floor. Posterior pelvic tilt. Use wall/chair for balance if necessary

Hips & Shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Lower back is straight. Careful not to slip into an anterior pelvic tilt. Start with your front knee over your front heel. From here gently pushing it outwards without changing the position of your hips.

Knees locked. Back is straight. Look at hands guiding the movement up.

Back is straight or even sligthly arched. Anterior pelvic tilt. Pull your belly button towards your locked knees.

Legs hip width apart. Feet pointing towards the front with locked knees. Lower back is straight or even arched. Work on your anterior pelvic tilt to lengthen the hamstrings!

Turn 1 leg out towards and move the foot towards the side. Keep the other foot facing front. Work on arching your lower back!

Hips & shoulders parallel to the floor. Back is straight/ sligthly arched. Anterior pelvic tilt! Hips over back knee. Front knee is locked

Both knees, standing foot and pubic bone in line. Move side ways only.

Both knees and hips on 1 straight line. Slowly and mindfully switch between an anterior and posterior pelvic tilt pushing the hips lower with each repetition.

Both knees and hips on 1 line. Upper body straight and parallel to the floor. Use pillow or box under chest to get comfortable.

Both feet pointed. Keep the straight knee rotated towards the front! Hold your glutes and chest equally close to the floor!

Heel is as close as possible towards the hips. Straight knee is fully locked. Work on moving forward and not down.