Handstand Walking Intensive

Day 1 - Body prep

Here is the full workout. This overview includes name, reps, and most important cues. IMPORTANT!!  To see the video click the (“+”) symbol next to the exercise name, and it will expand.

Look after yourself and only do what feels safe enough.
Make sure to warm up well. 

General Warm Up - 3 rounds

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
High Knees30secLight on the toes, knees as high as possible. Posterior pelvic tilt. Go fast and get your your heart rate up!
Extended Burpee30secWork dynamic and intense during the push up and straight jump. Slow it down in the side plank to keep your balance!
Mountain Climbers30secKnee as close as possible to the chest. Other knee is locked. Hips stay low. Back is straight. Core is engaged!

Specific Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Forehead to W8xRotate your thumbs up during the W part. Make sure that your elbows are 90 degrees bent and in line with the shoulders. Do not lift the entire upper body. Only lift the elbows and hands.
Back Extensions8xStart by internally rotating your arms so the back rounds and the pinky fingers touch the floor. Then externally rotate the arm, squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back, look up towards the ceiling and engage the whole back lifting the upper body of the floor. Open your legs sligthly for this exercise.
Elbow Lifts8xKeep your forehead on the floor and interlock your fingers behind your head.
Rocking Boat Abs20secIn order to create a smooth rocking movement you need to evently round your back. Elevate your scapula and cover your ears. Keep your knees locked and feet together.

Handstand Walking Prep

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Push Up Shoulder Taps2x10 each sideOnly move the working arm. Everything else stays immobile. keep your core engaged!
Forearm Plank Walk Ups2x6 each sideMake sure to work both arms equally. Do not arch your back or pike at your hips!
Bird Dog2x8 each sideHead in neutral position looking at floor. Keep shoulders and hips parallel to the floor and squared. Isolate the movement in the leg and opposite arm. Contract core muscles for stabilization.
Side Plank Reach to Tap2x5 each sideStability! The whole body has to be engaged and you have to be more focused than ever!
Semi Superman Push Ups2x12 totalAfter a dynamic push up lift 1 arm and the opposite foot off the floor without shifting your weight. Do not rotate. Do not pike at the hips!
Downward Dog HSPU3x6-12The path of your movement is essential. Lower down in a diagonal line and push back up on exactly the same diagonal line. Do not create a triangle by first pushing up and then back.
Handstand Dog Circles2x10 each leg & each directionKeep your hips and shoulders squared. Keep even weight on both hands. Fully lock your knee and externally rotate the working leg. Keep the center of the circle parallel to the floor

Post Workout Stretches

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Half Split Prep30sec each sideHips & shoulders parallel to the floor. Posterior pelvic tilt. Hips over back knee.
Active Sphinx20secPush arms into floor. Lower stomach stays on floor. Use back muscles ro raise and pull head back. Shoulders down!
1 Legged Lotus Side Bend30sec each sideHeel is as close as possible towards the hips. Straight knee is fully locked. Do not rotate your upper body. Stay in line and simply bend towards the side.
Reverse Wrist Stretch30sec each sideGently stretche the wrist back into the opposite direction that you just worked on.
Back of Shoulder Stretch at Wall30sec each sideKeep your elbow locked and place the palm of your hand flat against the wall. Play with different angles until you find the one that works for you!

You made it!

You’ve reached the end of this workout. Go use your legs and get food, a drink or whatever else gives you joy! 

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