Essential Strength Collection

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Specific Warm Up

Rest between sets: None
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on Form

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
W Lift
Lift your hands and elbows up towards the ceiling only and not towards the back. Relax your arms back to the floor between each repetition.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Lying Rear Deltoid Fly
Relax your hands back on the floor between each rep.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Up Down Wrist Waving
Move your wrists from full flexion into full extension and back.
Stay in each extreme for a moment for an active stretch.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Kneeling Elbow Rotation
10x each direction
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows!
Rotate the pit of your elbows towards you and away from you as far as you can in each rep.
Lean into your hands and keep your wrists under constant pressure.
Behind the Back Wrist Curl
Keeping the back of the hands on the floor curls your hands to make the tip of your fingers touch each other.
Fully relax your hands back on the floor between reps.

Straight Lift
Isolate the movement into the hands moving upwards only. Relax your arms back to the floor between each repetition.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Back Lift with Hands by Hips
Keep your head in a neutral position as you lift your entire upper body off the floor.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Reverse Up Down Wrist Waving
Move your wrists from full flexion into full extension and back.
Stay in each extreme for a moment for an active stretch.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Backward Facing Wrist Stretch
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers pointing towards your knees!
Start with your shoulders in front of your hands and lock out your elbows.
With the entire palm of your hand on the floor slowly bring your shoulders back towards you to increase pressure and wrist extension for a gentle wrist and forearm stretch.
Italian Wrist Curl
Using your internal muscles stretch your hands open. Bring your wrist into full extension and spread your fingers wide.
Engage your forearm and hand muscles to make the tips of your fingers touch and curl your wrist into flexion.
Keep your forearm around horizontal.
Forehead to W
Rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling as your bring your arms to the W. Make sure you have a 90 degrees angle in your shoulders and that your elbows are in line with the shoulders. Pull your hands and elbows up towards the ceiling and not back.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Back Extension
Then externally rotate your arms, squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back, look up towards the ceiling and engage the whole back lifting the upper body of the floor.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Motor Bike Wrist Warm Up
10x each direction
Move your wrists from full flexion into full extension and back.
Stay in each extreme for a moment for an active stretch.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Wrist Circle on all 4
4x each direction
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows and rotate their pits about 45 degrees towards the front.
Draw small circles with your shoulders on top of your hands loading weight from your knees into your hands to develop strength, stability, coordination and to gently stretch.
Move slowly and controlled. Focus on what you are doing!
Overhead Wrist Curl
8x each side
Place your hand overhead, lock your elbow and elevate your scapula. Look towards the front.
Open your hand every time your wrist moves into extension and fully close as you move into flexion.
Train your forearm muscles and fingers in exactly the way that you need the when fighting for balance in handstand or when gripping a bar or rings.
Straight to W
On the way back stop with your elbows in line with your shoulders and a 90 degree angle in your elbows. Lift your forearms towards the ceiling and squeeze on top for a moment.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Elbow Lift
Lift your elbows up as you were trying to make them touch behind your head. Bring them back down slowly. Do not slam them into the floor.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Up Down Wrist Waving
Move your wrists from full flexion into full extension and back.
Stay in each extreme for a moment for an active stretch.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Kneeling Elbow Rotation
1x10 each direction
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows!
Rotate the pit of your elbows towards you and away from you as far as you can in each rep.
Lean into your hands and keep your wrists under constant pressure.
Wrist Push Up
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows and rotate their pits about 45 degrees towards the front.
Engage your forearm muscles to move your wrist into flexion. The palm of your hands leaves the floor and your fingers are being pushed into extension. Go extra slow as you return to your starting position to avoid smashing into the floor.
Only load as much weight into your hands as you can comfortably control!
Around the World on Stomach
Externally rotate your hands as you move your arms towards the front. As your hands reach the front the thumbs point towards the ceiling. Reverse this as you bring the hands back down.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Push Up Y
5x each side
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Lift one arm at the time out diagonally in a 45 degree angle. Your thumb needs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your shoulders and hips immobile.
Motor Bike Wrist Warm Up
1x10 each direction
Move your wrists from full flexion into full extension and back.
Stay in each extreme for a moment for an active stretch.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Reverse Wrist Stretch
1x20sec each side
Use your opposite hand to gently pull your fingertips towards the floor or towards you if mobility allows it moving your wrist into flexion.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.

Reverse Wrist Curl
Bend your elbow 90 degrees and keep it next to your body.
Move from full wrist flexion into full extension. Use a weak enough elastic that stays under tension the entire time.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
W to Y - Back to Wall
Place your feet hip width apart on the floor with minimal distance to the wall.
Only place your hands on the wall if your shoulder mobility allows it. Whilst the goal is for the entire forearms to be on the wall eventually this particular exercise should not be a stretch.
Do not arch your back or stick your ribs out. Work on keeping your entire back connected with the wall.
Front of Body Wall Circles with Elastic
5x each side
Draw circles with 1 hand at the time isolating the movement into the working arm only.
Keep your elbows locked and scapula depressed at all times.
Engage your core to stabilize the position. Keep your hips and shoulders squared at all times.
Up Down Wrist Waving
Move your wrists from full flexion into full extension and back.
Stay in each extreme for a moment for an active stretch.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Kneeling Elbow Rotation
1x10 each direction
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows!
Rotate the pit of your elbows towards you and away from you as far as you can in each rep.
Lean into your hands and keep your wrists under constant pressure.
Behind the Back Wrist Curl
Keeping the back of the hands on the floor curls your hands to make the tip of your fingers touch each other.
Fully relax your hands back on the floor between reps.

Skill Training

Rest between sets: As needed
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on Form

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Wall Pike Push Up
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Force your upper body to travel on the same line in and out of the Push Up.
Downward Dog to High Push Up
Place your feet against the wall to prevent them from sliding.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Push Up Lean
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck. Do not allow your back to arch or your hips to stand out!
Point your feet and lean your shoulders towards the front transferring more weight from your feet into your hands.

Half of the Pike Push Up
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Force your upper body to travel on the same line in and out of the Push Up.
Partial Pike Push Up Negative
collect 6
Go as slow as possible and try to stay in control the entire time! If you feel like you are about to lose control: Stop and simply try to freeze in place!
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Downward Dog to High Lean Push Up
Place your feet against the wall to prevent them from sliding.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Pike Push Up on Knees
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Force your upper body to travel on the same line in and out of the Push Up.
Pike Push Up Negative
From your starting position draw an imaginary line starting at your hips through your shoulders and head. Extend this line until it hits the floor. Use this spot as a target for your head when lowering.
Consider placing a pillow on the floor underneath your head for added safety and comfort.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Partial Pike Push Up
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Your upper body should travel down and back up on 1 diagonal line. Do not arch your back and do not push your shoulders towards your feet on top. Do not aim your nose towards the floor but your forehead.
Pike Push Up Negative - Elevated Feet & Hands
collect 6
Go as slow as possible and try to stay in control the entire time! If you feel like you are about to lose control: Stop and simply try to freeze in place!
From your starting position draw an imaginary line starting at your hips through your shoulders and head. Extend this line until it hits the floor. Use this spot as a target for your head when lowering.
Consider placing a pillow on the floor underneath your head for added safety and comfort.
Pike Push Up Bottom Hold
Consider placing a pillow on the floor underneath your head for added safety and comfort.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.
Partial Dead Pike Push Up
Your upper body should travel down and back up on 1 diagonal line. Do not arch your back and do not push your shoulders towards your feet on top. Do not aim your nose towards the floor but your forehead.
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Pike Push Up Negative - Elevated Feet & Hands
Go as slow as possible and try to stay in control the entire time! If you feel like you are about to lose control: Stop and simply try to freeze in place!
From your starting position draw an imaginary line starting at your hips through your shoulders and head. Extend this line until it hits the floor. Use this spot as a target for your head when lowering.
Consider placing a pillow on the floor underneath your head for added safety and comfort.
Pike Push Up Bottom Hold Single Leg Lift
2x2 each side alternating
Move slow and stop the leg when it lines up perfectly with your shoulders and hips. Bend the knee slightly in case of a temporary lack of hamstring mobility. Keep your hips and shoulders squared.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.
Pike Push Up
Your upper body should travel down and back up on 1 diagonal line. Do not arch your back and do not push your shoulders towards your feet on top. Do not aim your nose towards the floor but your forehead.
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Partial Dead Pike Push Up
collect 4
Your upper body should travel down and back up on 1 diagonal line. Do not arch your back and do not push your shoulders towards your feet on top. Do not aim your nose towards the floor but your forehead.
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula in the starting position. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Pike Push Up Bottom Hold Single Leg Lift - Elevated Feet
2x3 each side alternating
Freeze the position just before your head touches the floor. Avoid bouncing up and down or losing control.
Move slow and stop the leg when it lines up perfectly with your shoulders and hips. Bend the knee slightly in case of a temporary lack of hamstring mobility. Keep your hips and shoulders squared.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.


Rest between sets: Up to 30sec
Intensity: Elevated

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Elastic HSPU
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula when your arms are extended overhead. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.
Kneeling Shoulder Shrug - Chest to Wall
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Reach towards the ceiling pushing as tall as you can and cover your ears with your shoulders. Make sure the elastic comes out of the back of your hands like an extension of your fingers and not from the thumb or pinky side.
Go slow on the way down and keep your elbows locked. Both directions matter!
Anterior Deltoid Raise
2x6 each side
Rotate the back of your hand towards the ceiling as you raise your hand.
Bend your elbow slightly.
Do not swing your arms up and do not drop them down. Control the entire movement.
Scapula Push Up en L'Aire
Move into full retraction with your shoulder blades touching each other behind the back into full protraction pushing the blades away from the spine as if you wanted to touch them in front of your chest in each rep.
Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Whilst you don't have to forcefully push your shoulders down it is important not to elevate them either.
Bent Over Y Extension
Keep your elbows stable whilst you kick your forearms towards the back. Squeeze your triceps on top.
Do not swing your arms up and do not drop them down. Control the entire movement.
Fully extend your elbows in each rep and stay slow and controlled as you return to your starting position.
Forearm Plank on Knees
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your knees all the way through your neck.
Flex your feet on the floor and keep them about hip width apart.
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.
Elastic HSPU
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula when your arms are extended overhead. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.
Kneeling Shoulder Shrug with Elastic - Chest to Wall
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Reach towards the ceiling pushing as tall as you can and cover your ears with your shoulders. Make sure the elastic comes out of the back of your hands like an extension of your fingers and not from the thumb or pinky side.
Go slow on the way down and keep your elbows locked. Both directions matter!
Forearm Planche Lean - Bent Knees
Lean your shoulders towards the front and resist using your anterior deltoids. Keep your forearms parallel on the floor.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Keep your head in a neutral position and look at the floor. Do not look towards the front or in a mirror next to you as you might strain your neck. If you want to check on your form film yourself!
Forearm Plank Scapula Push Up - Bent Knees
Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Place your shoulders right on top of your elbows.
Whilst you don't have to forcefully push your shoulders down it is important not to elevate them either.
Triceps Elastic Kick Back
1x8 each side
Keep your elbow stable whilst you kick your forearm towards the back. Squeeze your triceps on top.
Do not swing your arms up and do not drop them down. Control the entire movement.
Exhale as you extend the arm. Inhale on the way back.
Forearm Plank Walk Up on Knees
3x each side
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your knees all the way through your neck.
Walk up to a push up and back down to the forearm plank using your core muscles to keep your hips and shoulders squared. Slow down on your descent to minimize impact.
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.
Kneeling Namaste Shoulder Press
Look towards the front the entire time and fully lock out on top.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.

Kneeling Shoulder Shrug with Elastic
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Reach towards the ceiling pushing as tall as you can and cover your ears with your shoulders. Make sure the elastic comes out of the back of your hands like an extension of your fingers and not from the thumb or pinky side.
Go slow on the way down and keep your elbows locked. Both directions matter!
Push Up Lean - Elevated Feet
Elevate your feet for increased pressure on your hands.
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck. Do not allow your back to arch or your hips to stand out!
Point your feet and lean your shoulders towards the front transferring more weight from your feet into your hands.
Banded Scapula Push Up
If your band is too long rotate one end to create twists and ultimately shorten it to the desired length.
Move into full retraction with your shoulder blades touching each other behind the back into full protraction in each rep. Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Place your hands underneath your shoulders with the fingers facing towards the front and the elbows fully locked. Rotate the pit of your elbows 45 degrees towards the front.
Bench Dip
Bent your elbows until they are at least 90 degrees bent and prevent them from flaring out.
Exhale every time you extend your arms.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.
Forearm Plank Walk Up
3x each side
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Walk up to a push up and back down to the forearm plank using your core muscles to keep your hips and shoulders squared. Slow down on your descent to minimize impact.
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.
Dumbbell Z Press
Extend your arms overhead without leaning towards the back.
Connect the shoulder of your extended arm with your ear. Look at the hand and elevate the scapula.
Work on keeping your elbows in as much as possible and do not allow your elbows to flare more than 45 degrees.
Pikestand Shrug
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Move especially slow and careful on the way down when you depress your scapula to protect your shoulders from impact and to build strength and awareness in this vulnerable position.
Move your shoulders on a vertical line and make them cover your ears in every rep!
Forearm Planche Lean
Lean your shoulders towards the front and resist using your anterior deltoids. Keep your forearms parallel on the floor.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Keep your head in a neutral position and look at the floor. Do not look towards the front or in a mirror next to you as you might strain your neck. If you want to check on your form film yourself!
Forearm Plank Scapula Push Up
Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Place your shoulders right on top of your elbows.
Whilst you don't have to forcefully push your shoulders down it is important not to elevate them either.
Bench Dip - Elevated Feet
Bent your elbows until they are at least 90 degrees bent and prevent them from flaring out.
Exhale every time you extend your arms.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.
Forearm Plank Walk Up
4x each side
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Walk up to a push up and back down to the forearm plank using your core muscles to keep your hips and shoulders squared. Slow down on your descent to minimize impact.
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.
Valentines Day Special
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Point and flex your feet to push your shoulders out towards the front and the opposite direction. Keep your body line intact!
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.
Alternating Dumbbell Z Press
2x8 each side
Extend your arm overhead without leaning towards the back.
Connect the shoulder of your extended arm with your ear. Look at the hand and elevate the scapula.
Work on keeping your elbows in as much as possible and do not allow your elbows to flare more than 45 degrees.
Pikestand Shrug - Elevated Feet
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Move especially slow and careful on the way down when you depress your scapula to protect your shoulders from impact and to build strength and awareness in this vulnerable position.
Move your shoulders on a vertical line and make them cover your ears in every rep!
Planche Lean
Place your feet against the wall to prevent them from sliding and mark the distance of your hands to the wall on the floor to measure your progress over time. The closer your hands are the harder this becomes.
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
Band Assisted P Bar Dips
Bent your elbows until they are at least 90 degrees bent and prevent them from flaring out. If your shoulder mobility allows it go even lower.
Use strength! Do not kip or swing to create momentum!
Exhale every time you extend your arms.
Scapula Push Up
Move into full retraction with your shoulder blades touching each other behind the back into full protraction pushing the blades away from the spine as if you wanted to touch them in front of your chest in each rep.
Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Whilst you don't have to forcefully push your shoulders down it is important not to elevate them either.
Plank Superman Walk Up Combi
4x each side
Separate the movements to stay clean and efficient.
Do not allow your body to swing from side to side.
Engage your shoulders and protract them slightly. Your shoulder blades should not stick out from your back.
Sitting Plate Push Up
Allow your elbows to flare out naturally but aim to keep them approximately at a 45 degree angle. Keep your forearms vertical at all times and do not allow your elbows to point towards the back.
Look at your hands and elevate your scapula when your elbows are locked. Allow your scapula to depress naturally as you bend your arms.
Engage your core to keep your back straight.
L Handstand Shoulder Shrug
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Move especially slow and careful on the way down when you depress your scapula to protect your shoulders from impact and to build strength and awareness in this vulnerable position.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knees slightly to ease the tension.
Pike Planche Lean
Place your feet against the wall to prevent them from sliding and mark the distance of your hands to the wall on the floor to measure your progress over time. The closer your hands are the harder this becomes. Use your shoulder muscles and truly get the feeling of pushing your body backwards in each rep. Do not pull back with your hips!
Lock your elbows fully. This is a straight arm drill! Rotate the pits of your elbows about 45 degrees towards the front. Externally rotate your hands to ease the pressure on your wrists.
Keep your lower back straight and place your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt. Engage your core and glutes and align your hips with your feet and shoulders.
P Bar Dip
Bent your elbows until they are at least 90 degrees bent and prevent them from flaring out. If your shoulder mobility allows it go even lower.
Use strength! Do not kip or swing to create momentum!
Exhale every time you extend your arms.
Scapula Push Up - Elevated Feet
Elevate your feet for increased pressure on your hands.
Move into full retraction with your shoulder blades touching each other behind the back into full protraction in each rep. Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Whilst you don't have to forcefully push your shoulders down it is important not to elevate them either.
Single Leg Forearm Plank Walk Up
4x each side
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Walk up to a push up and back down to the forearm plank using your core muscles to keep your hips and shoulders squared. Slow down on your descent to minimize impact.
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.
Valentines Day Special
Engage your core and create 1 straight line from your feet all the way through your neck.
Point and flex your feet to push your shoulders out towards the front and the opposite direction. Keep your body line intact!
Protract and depress your scapula. Do not allow your shoulder blades to stick out behind.

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