All About That Tuck

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All About That Tuck

The tuck handstand is the next big thing for anybody who just got their freestanding handstand. Pulling the knees down towards the chest whilst keeping the back and shoulders open might seem like an easy task when thinking about it but anyone who has tried it knows it doesn’t come that easy. All about that tuck aims to take the guess work out of your handstands and will help you gain enough strength, mobility and control to not just get your tuck sometimes but every single time.

2 weeks Daily Workouts

45min workoutsIntermediate


What you will get

Lots is happening at the same time with muscles pulling in different directions. First understand how, then practice until you get it.

Finish strong with the right conditioning towards your specific goal.

Understand and develop the specific mobility that it takes in order to finally nail and improve your tuck handstand.

Instead of relying on luck succeeding only a handful of times we will analyze precisely what it takes to become 100% consistent.

In the exclusive knowledgebase you will lean everything there is to know about technique, the do’s and do not’s.

Student Results

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