Free Customized Handstand Workout
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Complete Programming


More than just your handstand trainer. Weekly flexibility workouts, injury prevention protocols and more...
Handstands are complex. Simply getting upside down won't cover it. Not even the best handstands-only training plan will get you there because handstands require so much more.

In order to get up you need mobile hamstrings and hips. To hold a straight line you need to be able to open your shoulders over head. Training handstands means training your scapula and your wrists. Just like in an expensive sports car: anything that is being used needs maintenance. Injury prevention is absolutely necessary.
So as you can see. It's a lot. Now to the awesome part. All of this will help you in all other disciplines that you might be training and increase your over all health quality significantly.
How to handstand brings it all together making sure you don't get too much or too little of anything and organizes all aspects of your Handstand training.

Get strong, get flexibel and stay healthy. All this while reaching your highest handstand potential.





Over 2h of instructional footage...

What makes this program so efficient is that it goes far beyond simply teaching you the drills. The goal of this coaching is for you to understand all the how's and why's. I've put together for you the most important lessons, technical details and training advices in over 2h of video footage in my knowledge base.
Look up limiting points in order to understand how to push on, when you're stuck or listen to stories from my own Handstand career to reignite the fire and gain motivation.



In Depth Assessment


We are all different. Everybody starts their handstand journey on a different level and everyone's body has specific needs. Yet we all have 1 thing in common:
We want to learn a strong and solid freestanding handstand.
We will all get there but the path differs from each individual. It's exactly here where this program finds it's strong suit. After an initial assessment Workouts are created specifically for you and your particular needs.

Create your own path!

Complete Programming


More than just your handstand trainer. Weekly flexibility workouts, injury prevention protocols and more...
Handstands are complex. Simply getting upside down won't cover it. Not even the best handstands-only training plan will get you there because handstands require so much more.

In order to get up you need mobile hamstrings and hips. To hold a straight line you need to be able to open your shoulders over head. Training handstands means training your scapula and your wrists. Just like in an expensive sports car: anything that is being used needs maintenance. Injury prevention is absolutely necessary.
So as you can see. It's a lot. Now to the awesome part. All of this will help you in all other disciplines that you might be training and increase your over all health quality significantly.
How to handstand brings it all together making sure you don't get too much or too little of anything and organizes all aspects of your Handstand training.

Get strong, get flexibel and stay healthy. All this while reaching your highest handstand potential.






Over 2h of instructional footage...

What makes this program so efficient is that it goes far beyond simply teaching you the drills. The goal of this coaching is for you to understand all the how's and why's. I've put together for you the most important lessons, technical details and training advices in over 2h of video footage in my knowledge base.
Look up limiting points in order to understand how to push on, when you're stuck or listen to stories from my own Handstand career to reignite the fire and gain motivation.



In Depth Assessment


We are all different. Everybody starts their handstand journey on a different level and everyone's body has specific needs. Yet we all have 1 thing in common:
We want to learn a strong and solid freestanding handstand.
We will all get there but the path differs from each individual. It's exactly here where this program finds it's strong suit. After an initial assessment Workouts are created specifically for you and your particular needs.

Create your own path!