Shoulder & Chest Opener

Rest between sets: As Needed
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on form

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Shoulder Pass through with Elastic
10x each direction
Elevate your scapula when your hands are overhead. Depress your scapula as your hands come down. Always dislocate both shoulders at the same time.
Keep your elbows locked and back straight the entire time.
Keep the band under constand tension.
Straight to W
On the way back stop with your elbows in line with your shoulders and a 90 degree angle in your elbows. Lift your forearms towards the ceiling and squeeze on top for a moment.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Shoulder Opener on Knees
Lock your elbows and slightly depress your shoulders.
Place your knees far enough so they are behind the hips and not right underneath them.
Once your rib cage is approaching the floor start pushing your hips towards the hands for an additional stretch.
Shoulder Openers on Knees with Bent Elbows - Chin on Chest
Place your chin on your chest and gently push your armpits towards the floor.
Keep your hands close to your shoulder blades at all times.
Keep your knees underneath your hips at all times.
Cat n Cow
Focus on mobilizing your entire spine from the neck all the way to your hips.
As you round your back push your hands into the floor and away from you to further round your back.
Imagine pulling the floor towards your knees to support your back for a deeper arch.
Half Snow Angel
6x each side none alternating
Keep your knees on the floor and connected with each other throughout the entire duration of the exercise.
Watch the hand as you draw far reaching half circles and work on keeping your fingers connected with the floor.
Do not allow your hips to drop back or your immobile arm to move.
Foam Roller Sphinx
Keep your elbows close to your body as you pull them back. Engage your back to keep your upper body at a consistent height.
Keep your shoulders low and head in a neutral position.
Engage your legs and keep your feet about hip width apart.

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