Flexible & Strong!

Stalder Training

Here is your full workout for today. This overview includes name, reps, and most important cues. IMPORTANT!!  To see the video click the (“+”) symbol next to the exercise name, and it will expand.

Look after yourself and only do what feels safe enough.
Make sure to warm up well. 

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DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Knee to Chest Warm Up20sec each sideGrab the leg with both hands firmly just below the knee and pull it towards your chest.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Straighten your back and bottom leg. Make sure the knee points towards the ceiling.
Knee to Side Warm Up20sec each sideGrab the leg with your outside hand firmly on the chin and gently pull it up towards your shoulder.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Straighten your back and bottom leg. Make sure the knee points towards the ceiling.
Half Wood Chopper10xPlace your feet on the floor more than shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
Straighten your back. Ideally even arch your lower back slightly and place your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Delay your chest raising up and look at your hands as they guide the upwards movement.
Keep your knees fully locked at all times.
Active Standing Pancake Step8x each sideActively pull your hips into the anterior pelvic tilt as you step with your leg and pull your toes up towards your chin.
Keep your knees locked and shoulders squared with the hips at all times.
Round your back as much as you can. Push your hands into the floor for help.
Move slow and focus on 1 movement at the time. Separate the movements and freeze every time your change the limb or direction of the movement.
External Rotation Extension2x6Separate your movements. Do not allow the legs to move or rotate as you extend the legs and keep the angle solid as you rotate the legs inside of the hips.
Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Depress your shoulders and keep them squared with your shoulders.
Deep Plie - Chest to Wall8xCome as close to the wall as possible and externally rotate your legs so that your toes are pointing outwards.
Place your feet on the floor wide enough so that at the bottom of your plie the knees are on top of the center of your feet.
Push your hips towards the wall and your knees away.
Keep your lower back straight and aim to bring your hips in 1 horizontal line with the knees in each rep.
Deep Plie - Hold20secPlace your feet on the floor wide enough so that at the bottom of your plie the knees are on top of the center of your feet.
As you plie down imagine you were in a toaster. Push your knees back and hips towards the front. Your knees should travel out on top of your toes.
Externally rotate your feet on the floor. Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and in line.
Keep your hips at a constant height throughout the entire hold. Focus on pushing your knees back! As soon as you are not actively thinking about your legs they are not fully pushed open anymore!
Elevated Runners Stretch40sec each sideFocus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Lock the front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor. Flex your foot pulling your toes towards the chin. Place your hands further towards the front to increase difficulty.
Elevated Runners Stretch Flex against Elastic20sec each sideUse your lower back muscles to pull your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt whilst actively flexing your foot agains the elastic to lengthen your hamstrings from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Keep your front knee fully locked and push the bottom of the knee into the floor. Place your hands further in front to increase difficulty.
Elevated Side Runners Stretch Pulses8x each sidePlace your front foot out towards the side in a pancake like position.
Pull your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt as you flex your foot to lengthen your hamstring from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Widest Pancake - Elevated40secUse your glutes to actively push your legs open.
Externally rotate your legs so your knees point towards the ceiling.
Reach far towards the front as you lower down into the pancake stretch and focus on keeping your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Aim with your belly button towards the floor in front of you and not with your nose.
Active Sitting Pancake8xPlace your hands on something slippery and push the out towards the front away from you.
Straighten or if possible arch your lower back. Flip your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt. Your belly button should touch the floor first!
Push the bottom of your knees into the floor to lock your knees.
Keep your legs in approximately a 90 degrees angle inside your hips.
Standing Pike Stretch at Wall40secPlace 2 blocks between your feet and the wall to keep your distance constant. Elevate your toes to increase the stetch.
Fully lock your knees and push the bottom of your knees towards the floor.
Flip your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt and pull your ribs towards your toes. Work on arching your lower back.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Standing Weighted Pike Stretch on Bench40secAllow the weight to pull you long. Reach far towards the floor and flip your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt.
When you are done simply drop the weight to the floor and come back up without.
Push the bottom of your knees back to fully lock them.
Slide into a slightly deeper stretch every time you exhale.
Pike Elastic Push10xAttach the elastic behind you close to the floor so when you are sitting it is approximately at the height of your chest.
Reach far towards the front as you lower down into the pike stretch and focus on keeping your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Fully lock your knees and push the bottom of your knees towards the floor.
Elevate your scapula and look at your hands. The goal is to reach as long and to stretch the elastic as much as possible!
Frog40secPlace both knees and your hips in 1 precise line.
Keep your upper body straight and parallel to the floor.
Point your feet and keep both knees 90 degrees bent.
With every exhale slide into a deeper stretch.
Middle Split - Elevated Foot40sec each sideFully lock both knees. Engage your quads to protect your knees from injuries!
Make sure your feet, knees & hips are in 1 straight line. Your knees should be pointing towards your head.
Keep your upper body parallel to the floor.
Slide into a slightly deeper stretch every time you exhale.
Rocking Pancake - Elastic Behind Back2x8Whilst the posterior pelvic tilt is part of the exercise the main focus needs to lay in the anterior pelvic tilt.
Open your legs as wide as possible.
Fully lock both knees. Engage your quads to protect your knees from injuries!
Keep your shoulders low and squared with the hips.
Swimmer on Elbows - Elevated Glutes2x4Begin each rep by opening your legs dynamically into your widest straddle.
Place your elbows on the floor as close as possible towards your hips. Internally rotate your legs so your big toes touch the floor.
Push your forearms into the floor and with a round back roll your hips up into a middle split.
Fully lock both knees. Engage your quads to protect your knees from injuries!


DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Stalder Press to Handstand2x totalIn the Stalder Press first pull your hips up. For that round your back, protract your shoulders and lean them towards the front sligthly. Use your hip flexors to pull your legs towards your chest.
Once the your hips are all the way up use your back muscle to pull your hips into a slight anterior pelvic tilt and bring your shoulders back in line between your hands and hips. Lastly just bring your legs around.
Focus on the way back down. Keep separating your movements and go as slow and as compressed as possible.
Fully lock your elbows. This is a straight arm skill! Treat it as such!
Take Off at Wall Lower to Stalder4x total
Press Tap Press from 1 Block4x totalWhen lowering separation of movement is key. First bring your legs around and pull your feet down using your hips flexors. Keep your shoulders open and your hips in a slight anterior pelvic tilt.
Only when you can not pull any lower lean your shoulders towards the front sligthly and drop your hips to gently tap the blocks.
Press back up using the same pathways but in reverse. First re-establish your hand, shoulder, hip line with a slight anterior pelvic tilt and the feet still pulled down to your face, then bring your legs around and un-compress.
Keep your elbows locked, elevate your scapula and straighten your knees!
L Sit to Stalder to L Sit2x2-4Compression is king! Round your back, use your hip flexors to pull your legs towards your chest and lean your shoulders in front sligthly.
Lift your hips high enough in each rep for your legs to clear the arms. You want the leg to move around the arms whilst staying fully compressed! Keep your knees fully locked. On top you should actively push your shoulders towards your legs and pull your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt.
Perform a clean Stalder and L-Sit in each rep. Lift your legs, depress your scapula, look up and show a long neck!
Fully lock your elbows. This is a straight arm skill! Treat it as such!
L Sit to Tuck Planche - Reps2x5Lean your shoulders towards the front and pull your knees towards your chest.
Round your back and protract your shoulders. Keep your head in a neutral position looking down in the planche.
Fully lock your elbows. This is a straight arm skill! Treat it as such!
Try to squeeze on top and hold the Planche for a moment in each rep.
Chest to Wall Stalder Press - Partial3x1You decide how far you go. Lower into the Stalder only as far as you can stay in control.
When pressing up focus on compression first. The goal is to fully align the hips and shoulders on top of the hands before the heels touch the wall.
Fully lock your elbows. This is a straight arm skill! Treat it as such!
Lock your knees and point your feet!
Extreme Chest to Wall Leg Lift2x4Separate your movements! First pull your feet away from the keeping your shoulders perfectly stable. Then keeping the angle in the hips immobile close your shoulders bringing the feet even further away from the wall.
When you return to the wall first open your shoulders fully and then untighten your hip flexors to bring the heels back to the wall. If your heels touch the wall whilst you open the shoulders you know you did not properly hold your compression.
Start with your hands, shoulders and hips vertically aligned with only feet touching the wall. The exact distance to the wall will depend on your current level of flexibility.
Engage your legs! Lock your knees, point your feet and squeeze the water out of them.
Press Take Off - Elevated Hands2x4Elevate your hands for increased difficulty.
Lean your shoulders towards the front, engage your back to pull on your hips and lift your feet off the floor. The goal is to align the hips in a slight anterior pelvic tilt with the shoulders and hands without bending the elbows.
Use your hip flexors and compression muscles to pull your feet towards your wrists. Do not allow your hips to unpike. Imagine you were in a toaster and do not want to burn.
Engage your legs! Lock your knees, point your feet and squeeze the water out of them.
Stalder Lift Off2x5Lean your shoulders towards the front, push your hands down and lift your legs and glutes.
Lift your feet first or at least at the same time as the glutes. Do not lift your glutes whilst your feet remain on the floor.
The goal is for the knees to be slightly higher than the hips and for the glutes to be above the elbows. Compress! Imagine the floor is lava and you are trying to get away!
Keep your elbows locked the entire time. On top of each rep push your shoulders down as much as possible.
Stalder Leg Lift - Elevated Hands2x8Gain control of your legs before you attempt to lift them off the floor. Do not jump with your legs or lift one after the other. Use strength only.
Push your shoulders down. Show your neck long and proud like a swan.
Use your hip flexors and core compression muscles to lift the legs. In the same time stabilize your body with your shoulders.
Use blocks, books, parallettes or anything similar to elevate your hands. This will create room for your hips and make things easier.
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