Middle split coaching group week 1 - Wednesady

Specific Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Sitting Adducteur Rollingas neededPlace the foam roller on the inside of your thigh to roll and massage your adductor muscles.
Keep your quad approximately in a 90 degrees angle in the hips.
Focus on the worked muscle and actively relax it.
Keep your knee 90 degrees bent and the shin about parallel to the floor.
Alternating Front Lunges15x each sideFocus on your posture. Keep your back straight, shoulders depressed and chest up.
Keep your feet in line with the hips.
Place your weight equally between your feet and keep your hips in a slight posterior pelvic tilt.
In every step bring your back knee close to the floor but do not let it touch the floor.
Plie Jumps15xExternally rotate your feet on the floor and legs inside of the hips. Engage your core and straighten your back.
In the bottom position of your plie your knees should be on top of your feet and level with your hips.
Push your knees towards the back and your hips towards the front. Imagine you are in a toaster and to not want to burn yourself.
As you jump fully lock your knees, point your feet and keep your legs externally rotated.
External Rotation Extension10xSeparate your movements. Do not allow the legs to move or rotate as you extend the legs and keep the angle solid as you rotate the legs inside of the hips.
Keep your back straight. Do not arch it during retraction or round it during protraction.
Depress your shoulders and keep them squared with your shoulders.
Lying 90 Degree Sissors10x each sideStay quick and dynamic. Go as fast as you can whilst staying clean and in control.
Fully lock your knees and keep them locked at all times.
Square your hips and your shoulders.
Engage your core to stabilize your position.

Hamstring Stretches

Middle Split Stretches

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