Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Around the World on Stomach
Externally rotate your hands as you move your arms towards the front. As your hands reach the front the thumbs point towards the ceiling. Reverse this as you bring the hands back down.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Book to Reverse Push Up

Bird Dog Elbow Knee Touche

Back Extension
Then externally rotate your arms, squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back, look up towards the ceiling and engage the whole back lifting the upper body of the floor.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Boat to Low Boat

Backward Facing Wrist Stretch
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers pointing towards your knees!
Start with your shoulders in front of your hands and lock out your elbows.
With the entire palm of your hand on the floor slowly bring your shoulders back towards you to increase pressure and wrist extension for a gentle wrist and forearm stretch.
W to Y - Back to Wall
Place your feet hip width apart on the floor with minimal distance to the wall.
Only place your hands on the wall if your shoulder mobility allows it. Whilst the goal is for the entire forearms to be on the wall eventually this particular exercise should not be a stretch.
Do not arch your back or stick your ribs out. Work on keeping your entire back connected with the wall.
Around the World on Stomach
Externally rotate your hands as you move your arms towards the front. As your hands reach the front the thumbs point towards the ceiling. Reverse this as you bring the hands back down.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Behind the Back Wrist Curl
Keeping the back of the hands on the floor curls your hands to make the tip of your fingers touch each other.
Fully relax your hands back on the floor between reps.

Compression Bird Dog
4x each side alternating
Look at your hand and keep the arm and leg up.
Move slow and stay in control at all times!
Lock the lifted elbow and knee.
Boat to Low Boat

W to Y - Back to Wall
Place your feet hip width apart on the floor with minimal distance to the wall.
Only place your hands on the wall if your shoulder mobility allows it. Whilst the goal is for the entire forearms to be on the wall eventually this particular exercise should not be a stretch.
Do not arch your back or stick your ribs out. Work on keeping your entire back connected with the wall.
Behind the Back Wrist Curl
Keeping the back of the hands on the floor curls your hands to make the tip of your fingers touch each other.
Fully relax your hands back on the floor between reps.

Compression Bird Dog
Look at your hand and keep the arm and leg up.
Move slow and stay in control at all times!
Lock the lifted elbow and knee.
Forehead to W
Rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling as your bring your arms to the W. Make sure you have a 90 degrees angle in your shoulders and that your elbows are in line with the shoulders. Pull your hands and elbows up towards the ceiling and not back.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Core Engagement on Back
Lift your hands off the floor and push them into the wall hard by elevating your scapula. Try to cover your ears with your shoulders!
Lock your elbows and knees. Point your feet. Squeeze your legs tight throughout the entire drill.
Tilt your head back slightly and try to look at your hands to mimic the position you would be in when performing a handstand.
Wrist Warm Up
Rotate, twist and move them to stretch them in each direction.
Spend more time in positions where you feel less mobile or even stiff.
Keep your elbows locked and hands shoulder wide apart.

Specific Mobility

Rest Between Sets: None
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on form

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Half Middle Split - Alternating
4x each side

Alternating Downward Dog
8x each side
Lock your knee fully in each rep and push the heel into the floor.
Push your chest towards your toes and work on arching your lower back. Push your hips towards the anterior pelvic tilt.
Lock your elbows, depress your scapula and look towards your feet.
Squatting Pike Warm Up - Assisted
6x each side
Focus on your anterior pelvic tilt. Arch your lower back. Your coccyx needs to guide the movement.
Fully lock your knees in each rep.
Exhale as you straighten your knees and squeeze your belly button towards your shin.
Standing Pike Round Arch Pulse - Assisted

Shoulder Stretch Wall Slides
Look at the wall as the hands slide up.
Once your arms approach the top and begin to lock out push your chest towards the wall for a gentle back stretch.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Thumb Guiding Chest to Wall Shoulder Lift
6x each arm none alternating

Shoulder Opener on Knees
Lock your elbows and slightly depress your shoulders.
Place your knees far enough so they are behind the hips and not right underneath them.
Once your rib cage is approaching the floor start pushing your hips towards the hands for an additional stretch.
Active Shoulder Opener on Back
Engage your core and avoid arching your back as good as you can!
Look at your hands and keep them around shoulder width apart.
Lock your elbows.
Shoulder Warm Up with Elastic
Keep your mid and lower back stable and engaged at all times. Do not arch beyond your chest.
Your wrists stay in the same position towards each other. Do not allow your hands to rotate to eliminate the possibility of your shoulders rotating.
Exhale as you open your shoulders.
Kneeling Shoulder Shrug - Chest to Wall
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
Reach towards the ceiling pushing as tall as you can and cover your ears with your shoulders. Make sure the elastic comes out of the back of your hands like an extension of your fingers and not from the thumb or pinky side.
Go slow on the way down and keep your elbows locked. Both directions matter!

Handstand Training

Rest Between Sets: Minimal | Long enough to recover
Intensity: Moderate | Focus on form

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Wall Walk
Take small and controlled steps with your hands facing towards the front.
Only your feet should touch the wall. Do not place your knees, hips or chest on the wall.
Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not look at the wall placing your chin on your chest.
Tuck Slide
Keep your knees together and make them touch the wall as you pull them down.
Pull your knees as low as possible whilst engaging your lower back. In the tuck position your hips need to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt. As soon as your lower back rounds and your hips flip into a posterior pelvic tilt your knees are too low.
Lock your elbows, elevate your scapula and look at the spot in between your hands.
45 Handstand Single Leg Tuck Slide
1x2 each leg alternating
Isolate the movement into the working leg only. Place the knee on the wall and pull it as low as possible without un-squaring the hips or flipping them into a posterior pelvic tilt.
Focus on the immobile leg. Keeping it perfectly stable is much harder than moving the other knee down to the tuck and back up.
Make sure your shoulders stay right on top of the center of your hands. Do not push them open in the direction of your armpits or allow them to close and slide in the direction of your back.
45 Handstand Lateral Leg Isolation
1x2 each side none alternating
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top it needs to be in parallel.
Focus on the immobile leg. Keeping it perfectly still is much harder than moving the other one to straddle and back.
Due to the nature of this exercise you will be slightly piked in your single leg straddle position. This is ok as you gain lots of shoulder strength and coordination but moving the wall leg not just against gravity but also against the friction of the wall. Find a flat and even wall and wear slippery socks!
45 Handstand Single Leg Circle
1x each leg & each direction
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top and in the tuck position it needs to be in parallel.
Focus on the immobile leg. Keeping it perfectly still is much harder than moving the other one in a circle.
Due to the nature of this exercise you will be slightly piked in your single leg straddle position. This is ok as you gain lots of shoulder strength and coordination but moving the wall leg not just against gravity but also against the friction of the wall. Find a flat and even wall and wear slippery socks!
Slide Away
Do not pull your hips or arch your back. Stay in a perfectly straight line from shoulders to toes. The only position change should be in the shoulders and wrists.
Move slow and stay in control at all times. Do not use momentum to get off the wall. Do not jump off the wall and do not take 1 foot at the time off the wall.
Come back to the wall with your entire body from wrists to toes in 1 straight line.
Slide Away to 45 Handstand Single Leg Tuck Slide
1x each side
Isolate the single leg tuck slide. First bring the foot to the wall with a straight knee, then only pull the knee down.
Keep your immobile leg perfectly on top of the hands, shoulders & hips. Do not arch it towards the back as a counterweight.
Keep your elbows locked and elevate your scapula fully at all times.
L Handstand Walk Out Shoulder Shrug

L Handstand Shoulder Correction
Every time your shoulders pass on top of the center of your hands stop for a moment, push out extra tall and move on.
Lock your elbows and look at your hands.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knee slightly to ease the tension.
L Handstand Single Leg Isolation
1x2 each leg alternating
With the leg on top pressure on your shoulders is less horizontal and more vertical. Use this to push out extra tall. Work on holding this newly gained height on the way back down to the starting position.
Engage your back and pull your hips into a slight anterior pelvic tilt when you are brining the leg back to the wall to keep your weight in the fingertips. Do not allow your lower back to round when returning to the L.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knee slightly to ease the tension.
L Handstand Single Leg Tuck
1x2 each side none alternating
Time your hips and knee. If you were watching this drill from the side the foot should travel up and back down on one vertical line.
Engage your back and pull your hips into a slight anterior pelvic tilt when you are brining the leg back to the wall to keep your weight in the fingertips. Do not allow your lower back to round when returning to the L.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knee slightly to ease the tension.
L Handstand Single Leg Lateral Isolation
1x2 each side none alternating
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top it needs to be in parallel.
Engage your back and pull your hips into a slight anterior pelvic tilt when you are brining the leg back to the wall to keep your weight in the fingertips. Do not allow your lower back to round when returning to the L.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knee slightly to ease the tension.
L Handstand Single Leg Circle
1x each leg & each direction
In the straight and tuck handstand your feet should be parallel. As soon as your feet open towards the straddle handstand externally rotate your legs from your hips.
Engage your back and pull your hips into a slight anterior pelvic tilt when you are brining the leg back to the wall to keep your weight in the fingertips. Do not allow your lower back to round when returning to the L.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knee slightly to ease the tension.
L Handstand Single Leg Elbow Tap
1x4 taps each elbow on each leg
Place your shoulders on top of the center of your hands, lock your elbows and keep your hands shoulder wide apart with the fingers facing towards the front. Look at your hands! Engage your lower back to pull on the hips in the direction of the anterior pelvic tilt to stabilize the hips on top of the hands.
Actively drive your top leg in the direction of the heel to keep is on top of the back of your head.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knees slightly to ease the tension.
L Handstand Single Leg Compression
1x4 each side none alternating

Wall Walk
Take small and controlled steps with your hands facing towards the front.
Only your feet should touch the wall. Do not place your knees, hips or chest on the wall.
Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not look at the wall placing your chin on your chest.
Slide Away
Do not pull your hips or arch your back. Stay in a perfectly straight line from shoulders to toes. The only position change should be in the shoulders and wrists.
Move slow and stay in control at all times. Do not use momentum to get off the wall. Do not jump off the wall and do not take 1 foot at the time off the wall.
Come back to the wall with your entire body from wrists to toes in 1 straight line.
Straddle Slide Away
Don't just lock your legs inside of your hips but actively push them open. Do not accidentally close your legs whilst leaning towards the front., Lock your legs inside of your hips. Do not accidentally close your legs whilst leaning towards the front.
Do not pull your hips or arch your back. Stay in a perfectly straight line from shoulders to toes. The only position change should be in the shoulders and wrists.
Keep your elbows locked and elevate your scapula fully at all times.
Slide Away to Straddle
Open your legs into the straddle slowly. Not only will you have to catch your legs against gravity and momentum but also will your body become shorter. If your are not perfectly align this angle change will be surprising for your balance.
Move slow and work on staying in control at all times. The goal is not just to jump from one position to the next but even to control the journey between the positions.
Keep your elbows locked and elevate your scapula fully at all times.
Straddle Slide Away to Legs Together
Engage your glutes whilst closing your legs to avoid piking at the hips.
Move slow and work on staying in control at all times. The goal is not just to jump from one position to the next but even to control the journey between the positions.
Keep your elbows locked and elevate your scapula fully at all times.
Slide Away to Lateral Leg Isolation
1x1 each side
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top it needs to be in parallel.
Keep both elbows locked and shoulders elevated. Due to the nature of the movement you will have more weight on one side of your body. It is up to you to create the visual illusion of the weight staying perfectly even between your hands.
You are very close to the wall which forces you to engage properly and follow correct form. If not your foot will touch the wall!
Straddle Slide Away to Lateral Leg Isolation
1x1 each side
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top it needs to be in parallel.
Keep both elbows locked and shoulders elevated. Due to the nature of the movement you will have more weight on one side of your body. It is up to you to create the visual illusion of the weight staying perfectly even between your hands.
You are very close to the wall which forces you to engage properly and follow correct form. If not your foot will touch the wall!
Wall Walk
Take small and controlled steps with your hands facing towards the front.
Only your feet should touch the wall. Do not place your knees, hips or chest on the wall.
Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not look at the wall placing your chin on your chest.
Tuck Slide
Keep your knees together and make them touch the wall as you pull them down.
Pull your knees as low as possible whilst engaging your lower back. In the tuck position your hips need to be in a slight anterior pelvic tilt. As soon as your lower back rounds and your hips flip into a posterior pelvic tilt your knees are too low.
Lock your elbows, elevate your scapula and look at the spot in between your hands.
Tuck Take Off
Do not jump off the wall or lean or shoulder excessively towards the front to get off the wall.
Take both feet off the wall at the same time!
Lock your elbows, elevate your scapula and look at the spot in between your hands.
Wall Take Off to Tuck
Move slow and work on staying in control at all times. The goal is not just to jump from one position to the next but even to control the journey between the positions.
Pull your knees as low as possible in the tuck but stop before your lower back rounds, shoulders close or elbows bend.
Focus on your shoulders. Keeping them elevate is key here. Do not allow them to close or to slide towards the front.
Tuck Take Off to Straight
Engage your glutes when pushing the legs up towards the straight handstand to avoid piking at the hips.
Start with a tight tuck. Pull your knees towards the chest using your hips flexors. Stop your hips from sliding into a posterior pelvic tilt through engagement of your lower back.
Lock your elbows, elevate your scapula and look at the spot in between your hands.
Wall Tuck Jump
The closer you are to the wall the better but make sure you leave yourself enough room to clear the wall with your feet and knees.
Keep your shoulders on top of the hands at all times.
Look at the spot between your hands at all times!
Wall Tuck Jump to Handstand
Keep your shoulders on top of the hands at all times.
Jump past the tuck and extend the legs into a straight handstand before touching the wall.
Start with your shoulders on top of the hands and already significant amounts of weight in your hands before you even begin to jump. Do not move your shoulders throughout the entire attempt.
Tuck to Straight Entry
Do not attempt to hold the tuck. Instead use the tuck as a stepping stone to align your hips with the already aligned hands and shoulders before extending the legs up into the straight handstand.
Work on your timing to shoot your legs up in the right moment to nail your straight handstand.
Keep your scapula elevated, elbows locked and and the weight in the fingertips at all times. Look at the space in between your hands and engage your legs!
Wall Walk
Take small and controlled steps with your hands facing towards the front.
Only your feet should touch the wall. Do not place your knees, hips or chest on the wall.
Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not look at the wall placing your chin on your chest.
Single Leg Tuck Slide
1x2 each leg alternating
Pull 1 knee down to the tuck at the time whilst keeping your shoulders and hips perfectly squared. Pull the knee down in a vertical line and avoid it sticking out to the side.
Do not push your feet up the wall too far between reps. Your hand-shoulder-hips line needs to stay intact at all times.
Touch the wall with your feet and the working knee and shin only.
45 Handstand Single Leg Tuck Slide
1x2 each leg alternating
Isolate the movement into the working leg only. Place the knee on the wall and pull it as low as possible without un-squaring the hips or flipping them into a posterior pelvic tilt.
Focus on the immobile leg. Keeping it perfectly stable is much harder than moving the other knee down to the tuck and back up.
Make sure your shoulders stay right on top of the center of your hands. Do not push them open in the direction of your armpits or allow them to close and slide in the direction of your back.
45 Handstand Lateral Leg Isolation
1x2 each side none alternating
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top it needs to be in parallel.
Focus on the immobile leg. Keeping it perfectly still is much harder than moving the other one to straddle and back.
Due to the nature of this exercise you will be slightly piked in your single leg straddle position. This is ok as you gain lots of shoulder strength and coordination but moving the wall leg not just against gravity but also against the friction of the wall. Find a flat and even wall and wear slippery socks!
Straddle Half Slide Away
Don't just lock your legs inside of your hips but actively push them open. Do not accidentally close your legs whilst leaning towards the front., Lock your legs inside of your hips. Do not accidentally close your legs whilst leaning towards the front.
Do not pull your hips or arch your back. Stay in a perfectly straight line from shoulders to toes. The only position change should be in the shoulders and wrists.
Do not place your hands too far away from the wall. The main focus of this drill is not conditioning but technical refinement.
Straddle Slide Away
Don't just lock your legs inside of your hips but actively push them open. Do not accidentally close your legs whilst leaning towards the front., Lock your legs inside of your hips. Do not accidentally close your legs whilst leaning towards the front.
Do not pull your hips or arch your back. Stay in a perfectly straight line from shoulders to toes. The only position change should be in the shoulders and wrists.
Keep your elbows locked and elevate your scapula fully at all times.
Wall Take Off to Straddle to Straight
1x1 each side

Straddle Jump To Handstand
Lift your legs. Do not let them hang behind in a pancake and drag you down.
Keep your scapula elevated, elbows locked and and the weight in the fingertips at all times. Look at the space in between your hands and engage your legs!
Do not walk. If you feel like you have to take a step come down instead, reset and go again.

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