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Handstand Workout

Here is your full workout for today. This overview includes name, reps, and most important cues. IMPORTANT!!  To see the video click the (“+”) symbol next to the exercise name, and it will expand.

Look after yourself and only do what feels safe enough.
Make sure to warm up well. 

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Specific Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Standing Straight to Y with Elastic
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
Hold the elastic with your entire hand. We want the back of the hand to face the same direction as your back when the hands are on top. The elastic is basically an extension of the fingers.
Stand far enough from your attachment point so you can apply constant backwards pressure on the elastic.
Outward External Rotation with Elastic
1x8 each side
Externally rotate your arm against the pressure of the elastic whilst keeping your elbow connected to your side.
Keep your shoulders down and look towards the front.
focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure., "Go slow and controlled. We are training very small stabilizing muscles here. If the applied pressure becomes too high the bigger shoulder muscles will take over. For them the elastic will not apply enough force and the exercise becomes useless. Use a weak elastic, focus on form and keep the band under constant pressure."
Internal Downward Rotation with Elastic
1x8 each side
Hold your working elbow at a 90 degree angle perfectly in line with both of your shoulders.
Imagine you had a solid stick going through your shoulders and the working arm all the way to your elbow. Rotate the arm on this axis.
Make sure to use an elastic that only places minimal pressure on your shoulder. If the elastic is too strong different muscles will take over and the exercise will lose its effect.
Mobility Back Row
1x8 each side
Bend your knees slightly, place equal weight in both feet and keep your shoulders down.
Engage your core to stabilize your position as you push your hands out in front of your chest.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Boat to Superman Side Roll
4x each direction
Lock your knees, point your feet and squeeze them together.
Keep your head in a neutral position but pull it back slightly as you roll onto your stomach.
Engage your entire body from hands to toes.
Italian Wrist Curl
8x each side
Using your internal muscles stretch your hands open. Bring your wrist into full extension and spread your fingers wide.
Engage your forearm and hand muscles to make the tips of your fingers touch and curl your wrist into flexion.
Keep your forearm around horizontal.
Prayer Pose Rotation
as needed
Keeping your hands in a vertical position push them down in front of your body towards your belly button.
Keeping your hands low rotate them for the fingertips to point towards you and then away from you. Keep pressure on your wrists the entire time and rotate your hands sligthly further in each repetition.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.

Wall Handstand Refinement

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Wall Walk
Take small and controlled steps with your hands facing towards the front.
Only your feet should touch the wall. Do not place your knees, hips or chest on the wall.
Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not look at the wall placing your chin on your chest.
Slide Away To Diamond To Straight
Triple Switching Slide Away
When your legs are together your feet should be in a parallel position. As soon as your legs open they have to rotate externally.
Move slow and work on staying in control at all times. The goal is not just to jump from one position to the next but even to control the journey between the positions.
Keep your scapula elevated, elbows locked and and the weight in the fingertips at all times. Look at the space in between your hands and engage your legs!
Triple Switching Straddle Slide Away
When your legs are together your feet should be in a parallel position. As soon as your legs open they have to rotate externally.
Move slow and work on staying in control at all times. The goal is not just to jump from one position to the next but even to control the journey between the positions.
Keep your scapula elevated, elbows locked and and the weight in the fingertips at all times. Look at the space in between your hands and engage your legs!
Slide Away to Lateral Leg Isolation
1x2 each side
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top it needs to be in parallel.
Keep both elbows locked and shoulders elevated. Due to the nature of the movement you will have more weight on one side of your body. It is up to you to create the visual illusion of the weight staying perfectly even between your hands.
You are very close to the wall which forces you to engage properly and follow correct form. If not your foot will touch the wall!
Straddle Slide Away to Lateral Leg Isolation
1x2 each side
Focus on the rotation of your leg inside of your hip. In the straddle position the leg needs to be externally rotated. When the leg is on top it needs to be in parallel.
Keep both elbows locked and shoulders elevated. Due to the nature of the movement you will have more weight on one side of your body. It is up to you to create the visual illusion of the weight staying perfectly even between your hands.
You are very close to the wall which forces you to engage properly and follow correct form. If not your foot will touch the wall!
L Handstand Leg Isolation
1x2 each side alternating
If you feel like you have to arch your back to use the top leg as counter weight your alignment is off. Push out tall from your shoulders and move them on top of the center of your hands instead of trying to force this to work by opening into a banana position.
Focus on the way back and isolate the movement in 1 leg at the time. Do not use your top leg as a counter weight.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knee slightly to ease the tension.
L Handstand - Both Legs Back to the Wall at the Same Time
1x1 each side
Go as slow as possible and try to stay in control the entire time! If you feel like you are going to low and you are about to lose control: Stop and simply try to freeze in place!
Look at your hands, keep your elbows locked, scapula elevated and weight in the fingertips at all times.
In case of a temporary lack of hamstring flexibility bend your knees slightly to ease the tension.

Freestanding Training

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Handstand Heel Kicks
1x4 each side none alternating
Slide your legs on the box and actively flip your hip between the anterior and posterior pelvic tilt. Isolate the movement into your lower back. Your shoulders have to remain open in a straight line at all times.
Use your lower back muscles. Actively pull your hips into the anterior pelvic tilt.
Push tall from your shoulders and do not allow your head to touch the floor or your hands.
Twisted Split Helicopter
1x2 each side
Find a solid and slipper bench to properly perform the drill. The lower the box the more flexibility you will need.
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows and rotate their pits towards the front. Elevate your scapula!
Reverse the movement as you return to your starting position. First bring the shoulders out towards the front and the hips down. Then push the shoulders and feet back.
Heel kick to Twisted Split Helicopter
3x each side
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows and rotate their pits towards the front. Elevate your scapula!
Lean your shoulders towards the front to transfer weight from your feet into your hands. Raise on your tippy toes and resist with your shoulders to prevent them from collapsing as your feet swing in between your hands.
Whilst the goal is eventually to stay in control at all times it is acceptable to begin by jumping the legs slightly and to add more control once more strength and coordination is built.
Swimming Circle to Crossed Tuck
2x2 each direction
Elevate your hands about shoulder width apart as far away from your center as possible. Push yourself!
Work with strength only. Do not slam your feet into the floor on the way back down.
Lock your knees and point your feet!
Straight to Split
1x2 each side alternating
Split Step Ups
2x2 each side


DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Bench Forearmstand Hip Engagements1x4
Straddle Press - Overhead Band Assisted4x total
Extreme Chest to Wall Leg Lift2x2Separate your movements! First pull your feet away from the keeping your shoulders perfectly stable. Then keeping the angle in the hips immobile close your shoulders bringing the feet even further away from the wall.
When you return to the wall first open your shoulders fully and then untighten your hip flexors to bring the heels back to the wall. If your heels touch the wall whilst you open the shoulders you know you did not properly hold your compression.
Start with your hands, shoulders and hips vertically aligned with only feet touching the wall. The exact distance to the wall will depend on your current level of flexibility.
Engage your legs! Lock your knees, point your feet and squeeze the water out of them.
Chest to Wall Press5x totalStart with your hands, shoulders and hips vertically aligned with only feet touching the wall. The exact distance to the wall will depend on your current level of flexibility.
Draw a big circle on the wall by bringing your legs around through the deepest straddle eventually moving into a pancake position to bring your feet down., When lowering to the Stalder the most important moment is when your feet leave the wall. Ideally your shoulders should still be on top of the center of your hands and your hips in a slight anterior pelvic tilt. Use your hip flexors and compression muscles only to pull your feet away from the wall.
Resist with your shoulders to keep them open the entire time. Use your back muscles to pull on your hips. Prevent them from slipping into a posterior pelvic tilt for as long as possible.
On the way back up try to reestablish the straight back and even slight anterior pelvic tilt as early as possible.
Bench Zombie to Compression Hold5x totalStart by leaning your shoulders towards the front only. Then engage your back to pull your hips up and into a slight anterior pelvic tilt whilst bringing the shoulders back. The goal here is to align the shoulders and hips on top of the hands.
As you take your feet off first try to keep your hands, shoulders and hip line active. Use your hip flexors only to pull the feet in. When you can not go any further allow your shoulders to move towards the front and for your hips to dip down.
Freeze with your toes hovering off the floor. Actively push your shoulders open and use your back to pull your hips towards an anterior pelvic tilt.
Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor with your fingers facing towards the front! Lock your elbows and rotate their pits towards the front. Elevate your scapula!
Extreme Walking Dead2x10
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