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Handstand Workout

Here is your full workout for today. This overview includes name, reps, and most important cues. IMPORTANT!!  To see the video click the (“+”) symbol next to the exercise name, and it will expand.

Look after yourself and only do what feels safe enough.
Make sure to warm up well. 

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Specific Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Forehead to W
Rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling as your bring your arms to the W. Make sure you have a 90 degrees angle in your shoulders and that your elbows are in line with the shoulders. Pull your hands and elbows up towards the ceiling and not back.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Straight to W
On the way back stop with your elbows in line with your shoulders and a 90 degree angle in your elbows. Lift your forearms towards the ceiling and squeeze on top for a moment.
Keep your chest on the floor the entire time and rotate your hands for the thumbs to point towards the ceiling.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Back Extension
Then externally rotate your arms, squeeze your shoulder blades together in the back, look up towards the ceiling and engage the whole back lifting the upper body of the floor.
Keep your feet about shoulder width apart on the floor the entire time.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Elbow Lift
Lift your elbows up as you were trying to make them touch behind your head. Bring them back down slowly. Do not slam them into the floor.
Keep your legs engaged but on the floor. Point your feet and make your ankles touch.
Move slowly! The longer this takes the more control and strength you will develop!
Elevated Handstand Engagement on Stomach
On the bottom end of the body the elevation should be on the quads just before the knees.
Look at your hands and keep them around shoulder width apart.
Push your lower back up and engage your core to create an even and slightly rounded line.
Wrist Warm Up
as needed
Rotate, twist and move them to stretch them in each direction.
Spend more time in positions where you feel less mobile or even stiff.
Keep your elbows locked and hands shoulder wide apart.
Overhead Wrist Curl
2x8 each side
Place your hand overhead, lock your elbow and elevate your scapula. Look towards the front.
Open your hand every time your wrist moves into extension and fully close as you move into flexion.
Train your forearm muscles and fingers in exactly the way that you need the when fighting for balance in handstand or when gripping a bar or rings.

Freestanding Handstands

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Leg Circles from Straight
1x2 each direction
Work on isolating the movement exclusively into your legs! Your elbows should stay locked and the shoulders fully elevated and immobile throughout the entire drill.
Hold each position for at least a short moment and bring your body to a visual stop of movement.
Do not try to outrun your balance. Stay cool! If something does not go as planned: come to a stop, fix your position and then move on. Alternatively, you can also come down and reset from the top or simply continue.
Extended Diamond Single Leg Circle from Straight - Diamond L Straddle
2x1 each side
Pike Leg Circle
Move slowly and stay in control at all times. Do not fall into the pike handstand and avoid dynamically opening your legs into the straddle.
Keep in mind that your leg should be parallel to the floor in the pike handstand but not in the straddle. Lower your leg as you transition from straddle to pike and lift it as you return.
Keep your scapula elevated and on top of the center of your hands at all times. Do not push your shoulders open in the direction of your armpits.

Side Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Triangle Pose - Reps
8x each side
Only bend as deep as you can control the movement. Quality over depth!
Keep both of your shoulders in line with your hips. Gently drive your bottom shoulder towards the front and the top one towards the back.
Look towards the front and reach with your top arm far over to the side.
Half Middle Split - Side Bend
6x each side
Push your opposite hip down towards the heel of the standing foot.
Reach your hand far over the top to create a side stretch whilst keeping your shoulders low.
Imagine you were in a toaster. Do not allow your hips to rotate. Keep them right underneath your shoulders and in line with your foot and knee.
Active Triangle Pose
10sec each side
Only bend as deep as you can control the movement. Quality over depth!
Keep both of your shoulders in line with your hips. Gently drive your bottom shoulder towards the front and the top one towards the back.
Look towards the front and reach with your top arm far over to the side.

Side Bend Training

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Deep Side Bend - None Alternating
2x3 each side
Keep your shoulders stable and isolate the side bend between your last rib and the hip bones! Do not allow the shoulder that you are side bending on to collapse towards the front. Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not shift your gaze!
Push your legs open and externally rotate them inside the hips to lock them. Do not allow one of them to close or slide out!
Start small and work deeper over time. Always put quality first! It is normal that one side will be easier than the other.
Deep Side Bend - Diamond
2x3 each side
Keep your shoulders stable and isolate the side bend between your last rib and the hip bones! Do not allow the shoulder that you are side bending on to collapse towards the front. Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not shift your gaze!
Imagine you are in a toaster. You do not want to burn your knees or shoulders. Do not rotate!
Start small and work deeper over time. Always put quality first! It is normal that one side will be easier than the other.
Deep Side Bend - Bottom Leg Bent
2x2 each side
Keep your shoulders stable and isolate the side bend between your last rib and the hip bones! Do not allow the shoulder that you are side bending on to collapse towards the front. Look at the spot in between your hands. Do not shift your gaze!
Push your legs open and externally rotate them inside the hips to lock them. Do not allow one of them to close or slide out!
Start small and work deeper over time. Always put quality first! It is normal that one side will be easier than the other.

One Arm Prep

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Small Transfer Shrug - Legs Together
1x2 each side
Aim to keep your free hand flat on the floor. Of course this is not possible but it will help you to isolate the work into the supporting shoulder and to keep the free shoulder low by your ear.
Freeze at every movement change. This will allow you to check on your positions and forces you to stay up longer and ultimately to get stronger.
Lock your elbows, push out tall and work on staying in control at all times!
Small Transfer Shrug - Full Straddle
1x2 each side
Aim to keep your free hand flat on the floor. Of course this is not possible but it will help you to isolate the work into the supporting shoulder and to keep the free shoulder low by your ear.
Freeze at every movement change. This will allow you to check on your positions and forces you to stay up longer and ultimately to get stronger.
Lock your elbows, push out tall and work on staying in control at all times!
Lateral Walk - Full Straddle
1x 4 Blocks there and back
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Do not try to outrun your balance. Stay cool! If something does not go as planned: come to a stop, fix your position and then move on. Alternatively, you can also come down and reset from the top or simply continue.
Freeze at every movement change. This will allow you to check on your positions and forces you to stay up longer and ultimately to get stronger.
Lateral Walk - Legs Together
1x 4 blocks there and back
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Do not try to outrun your balance. Stay cool! If something does not go as planned: come to a stop, fix your position and then move on. Alternatively, you can also come down and reset from the top or simply continue.
Freeze at every movement change. This will allow you to check on your positions and forces you to stay up longer and ultimately to get stronger.
Stretched Out Fingertip Hold from Blocks on Blocks - Full Straddle
1x each side
Reach far to the side with the stretched out hand to force your free shoulder low towards your ear.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Push your legs open actively to lock them in the full straddle.
Stretched Out Fingertip Hold from Blocks on Blocks - Legs Together
1x each side
Reach far to the side with the stretched out hand to force your free shoulder low towards your ear.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Engage your legs and keep them together.
Elastic OAHS - Full Straddle
2x each side
Work your way towards the elastic gradually. First get stable with your fingertips on the floor, then reach for the elastic.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Push your legs open actively to lock them in the full straddle.
Elastic OAHS - Legs Together
2x each side
Work your way towards the elastic gradually. First get stable with your fingertips on the floor, then reach for the elastic.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Engage your legs and keep them together.
Assisted OAHS - Straddle Straight Straddle
2x2 each side
Elastic OAHS - Straddle to Straight
2x each side
Stretched Out Fingertip Hold on Elevated Blocks - Diamond Straight Diamond
2x each side
Reach far to the side with the stretched out hand to force your free shoulder low towards your ear.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Isolate the movement into your legs only. Do not allow your hips or the rest of the body to be influenced by your legs. Freeze every time you get to a position.
Foam Roller OAHS Reps - Full Straddle
2x2 each side
Go slow and fully focus on each movement a time like it is your last. Start by simply placing your hand on the roll first. Get stable, then move on.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Push your legs open actively to lock them in the full straddle.
Foam Roller OAHS Reps - Legs Together
2x each side
Go slow and fully focus on each movement a time like it is your last. Start by simply placing your hand on the roll first. Get stable, then move on.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Engage your legs and keep them together.
Miami Climb - Full Straddle
2x2 each side
The push needs to come exclusively from the block arm and should only be vertically. Your body should not change its general position during the climb.
The free hand is for balance only. Only slide up on the fingertips when you can not reach the floor with a flat hand anymore.
Stay focused and go slow on the downward motion of the climb and keep your opposite hip on top of the supporting shoulder. The only thing in your body changing here is the supporting elbow!
Miami Climb - Legs Together
2x2 each side
The push needs to come exclusively from the block arm and should only be vertically. Your body should not change its general position during the climb.
The free hand is for balance only. Only slide up on the fingertips when you can not reach the floor with a flat hand anymore.
Stay focused and go slow on the downward motion of the climb and keep your opposite hip on top of the supporting shoulder. The only thing in your body changing here is the supporting elbow!
Jump to Miami Outside Hold - 2 Blocks
2x each side
Push out tall from your supporting shoulder. Do not allow it to collapse towards the front.
Look at the hand that you are standing on and connect the side of your face with the supporting shoulder.
Start with your shoulders on top of the hands and already significant amounts of weight in your hands before you even begin to jump. Do not move your shoulders throughout the entire attempt.

Specific Conditioning

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Miami Climbs Side to the Wall
2x3 each side
The push needs to come exclusively from the block arm and should only be vertically. Your body should not change its general position during the climb.
The free hand is for balance only. Only slide up on the fingertips when you can not reach the floor with a flat hand anymore.
Stay focused and go slow on the downward motion of the climb and keep your opposite hip on top of the supporting shoulder. The only thing in your body changing here is the supporting elbow!
HSPU - Elevated Hands
5x total
Headstand Push Up
3x total
Place the center of your head on the floor and not your forehead! Consider placing a pillow under your head or training on a mat for comfort and security.
Use a small amount of momentum created by the legs to transfer from the headstand to a HSPU bottom hold position. Your head should slightly pull back in this moment so you can see your hands.
Focus on your handstand after the push up. Align your shoulders, hips and feet on top of the center of your hands, elevate your scapula and stay fingertip heavy.
Dead HSPU - Elevated Hands Back to Wall
3x max clean
In each rep place your head on the floor just in front of your hands and release pressure form your arms.
Bend one of your knees and place the foot against the wall. Use this for stability and to create distance between you and the wall. Alternate the wall leg either between reps or sets.
Keep a straight line between your head and the foot that is not touching the wall but allow this foot to move away form the wall to bring the body into an angle. Move pressure from your shoulders into your upper chest.
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