Road to Bridge &



Knee Bridge Wall Walk
Half Split Back Knee Bent – Arched Walk & Hold

Elbow Bridge – Elevated Feet
Bridge Wall Walk
Elbow Bridge Take Off – Wall
Box Bridge Float

Slide Away
Single Leg Tuck Hover
L Walk Up
Wall Walk from Floor

How does it work?

I have created 2 separate workouts for you to begin. I want you to alternate the workouts doing each 2 times per week. 

Remember that these are a starting point only. We can adjust to make them longer, shorter, easier and harder. We just have to communicate!

Please upload your videos every other Wednesday starting March 27 so I can do your feedback on Thursdays. If this is super inconvenient for you let me know and we can arrange a different day 🙂

Your Info

You are currently starting a 1-on-1 online coaching

Start Date: March 13


Upfront 280 €

Use the upload option below, or the link to drive
Upload your Weekly Videos
WordPress Video Lightbox