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Flexibility Workout

Here is your full workout for today. This overview includes name, reps, and most important cues. IMPORTANT!!  To see the video click the (“+”) symbol next to the exercise name, and it will expand.

Look after yourself and only do what feels safe enough.
Make sure to warm up well. 

Dashboard |  Flexibility Workouts


DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Dead Bug Circle10x each wayDraw big circles with your knees to create movement inside your hip joint.
Pull your knees as close as possible towards the floor. Use your glute muscles to actively help with the movement.
Hold your hips in a neutral position and keep your lower back on the floor at all times.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Walking Pike40secReach with your chin towards the floor in front of you and work on pulling your belly button towards your big toe to help straighten out your back. Squeeze into a deeper stretch with every step.
The anterior pelvic tilt is the most important part of this exercise.
As you move your foot pull your toes up towards your chin and flex your foot.
Keep your knees locked and shoulders squared with the hips at all times.
Squatting Pike Warm Up10x each sideKeep your upper body straight as you bend your knees to touch the floor. Separate your movement.
Focus on your anterior pelvic tilt. Arch your lower back. Your coccyx needs to guide the movement.
Fully lock your knees in each rep.
Exhale as you straighten your knees and squeeze your belly button towards your shin.
Squatting Pike Warm Up - Elevated10x each sideElevate your foot but keep your hands on the floor. This will force you to reach longer and fold more.
Focus on your anterior pelvic tilt. Arch your lower back. Your coccyx needs to guide the movement.
Fully lock your knees in each rep.
Exhale as you straighten your knees and squeeze your belly button towards your shin.

Front Splits

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Prep for Half Split40sec each sideFocus on your posterior pelvic tilt first. Do not allow your lower back to arch.
Place your hips on top of the back knee and keep them squared with your shoulders at all times.
With every exhale work on lengthening hip flexors and rotate your hips into a deeper posterior pelvic tilt.
Half Split40sec each sideFocus on your posterior pelvic tilt first. Do not allow your lower back to arch.
Place your foot far enough towards the front so at the deepest position of your stretch your knee is on top of the foot with you shin in a vertical line.
Push your hips towards your front foots heel.
Keep your shoulders low and squared with your hips.
Runners Stretch40sec each sideFocus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Lock the front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor. Flex your foot pulling your toes towards the chin. Place your hands further towards the front to increase difficulty.
Runners Stretch Pulses8x each sidePull your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt as you flex your foot to lengthen your hamstring from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Keep your front knee fully locked and push the bottom of the knee into the floor. Place your hands further in front to increase difficulty.
Start Half Split Set - Repeat all following exercises on 1 side withhout break

Half Split Back Knee Straight20secStart by fully locking your back knee before bringing your upper body in an upright position and pushing your hips down. Keep your back knee fully locked the entire time.
Tuck your tailbone under and focus on the posterior pelvic tilt.
Flex your back foot on the floor and gently extend it to push your back leg into your hips helping with the posterior pelvic tilt.
Keep your shoulders depressed, squared with the hips and parallel to the floor at all times. Do not allow your body to turn out.
Runners Stretch20secFocus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Lock the front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor. Flex your foot pulling your toes towards the chin. Place your hands further towards the front to increase difficulty.
Half Split Reps8xFully locking the knee in each rep is at the highest priority. Adjust your hip height accordingly.
"As you release tension from your back knee push your hips down and into a posterior pelvic tilt. When you lock the knee back up fight to keep your hips low and to hold the posterior pelvic tilt. In an ideal world your hips would not move as you extend the knee."
Go slow and stay in full control as you place the knee back on the floor. Do not smash your knee into the ground.
Keep your shoulders depressed, squared with the hips and parallel to the floor at all times. Do not allow your body to turn out.
Front Split40secKeep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor. Do not allow your body to rotate or to turn out.
Keep your lower back straight by pushing your hips towards the posterior pelvic tilt. Sit equally between both legs.
Engage your back leg gently like you were trying to straighten it.
Make sure the heel of the back foot is pointing towards the ceiling and the leg is going straight towards the back.
Extended Runners Stretch Slide8xFocus on the details here as they will significantly change what this exercise does for you! The main focus lays on the moment when you pull your hips back up. The aim here should not be to push low into a front split but to lengthen and stretch the hamstring as you pull back up.
Guide the backwards movement with your hips. First flip them into an anterior pelvic tilt. Then push your heel into the floor as you pull back lengthening the hamstring from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Especially pay attention to the hip of the moving leg. Do not allow it to rise up.
Fully lock your front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor.
End Half Split Set - Now repeat all previous exercises on the other side

Front Split Back Knee Bent in Corner1min each side

Front Split Reps - Elevated Hands8x each side"In your front split engage your back leg to straighten the knee and lift if off the floor.
""As you release tension from your back knee push your hips down. Fight to keep your hips low as you lock the knee lifting it back off the floor. In an ideal world your hips do not move when you extend the knee.""
Elevate your hands on blocks to assure perfect alignment.
Fully lock your back knee in each rep."
Half Split Back Knee Bent Against the Wall40sec each sideFocus on your posterior pelvic tilt first. Do not allow your lower back to arch.
Place your foot far enough towards the front so at the deepest position of your stretch your knee is on top of the foot with you shin in a vertical line.
Push your hips towards your front foots heel whilst assuring that your hips and shoulders stay squared. Your back foot needs to point upwards and not out towards the side.
Keep approximately the length of one palm of a hand distance to the wall with your back knee. Adjust this distance if needed for comfort and place your knee on something soft like a thick mat or or a pillow.
Half Split Reps - Band Assisted8x each side"""Place a rubber band around your back leg just underneath the glutes. Attach the rubber band in front of you so it pulls exclusively straight towards the front on a horizontal plane. Fully locking the knee in each rep. Adjust your hip height accordingly. Tuck your tailbone under and focus on the posterior pelvic tilt.""
""As you release tension from your back knee push your hips down and into a posterior pelvic tilt. When you lock the knee back up fight to keep your hips low and to hold the posterior pelvic tilt. In an ideal world your hips would not move as you extend the knee.""
Go slow and stay in full control as you place the knee back on the floor. Do not smash your knee into the ground.
Keep your shoulders depressed, squared with the hips and parallel to the floor at all times. Do not allow your body to turn out."

Back Warm Up

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Hamstring Bridge10xPlace your feet parallel to each other on the floor and keep them about hip width apart from each other.
Push your heels into the floor raising your hips and entire back.
Keep your knees stable and in a constant distance from each other.
In the top position create a straight line from your neck all the way to your knees. Do not arch.
Bent Knee Windshield Wiper5x each sideIn your starting position point your feet so only your toes touch the floor.
Bring your heels as close to your glutes as possible.
Work on keeping your knees together and both shoulders on the floor as you slowly lower your knees to the side.
Exhale as you lower your legs and do not forcefully push them down.
Half Snow Angel5x each sideStar on your side with a 90 degree angle at the shoulders, hips and knees.
Keep your knees on the floor and connected with each other throughout the entire duration of the exercise.
Watch the hand as you draw far reaching half circles and work on keeping your fingers connected with the floor.
Do not allow your hips to drop back or your immobile arm to move.

Back Bending

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Shoulder Warm Up with Elastic6x eachYou have 2 separate movements here. Isolate your shoulders in the first one. Add opening of your chest for the second one.
Keep your mid and lower back stable and engaged at all times. Do not arch beyond your chest.
Your wrists stay in the same position towards each other. Do not allow your hands to rotate to eliminate the possibility of your shoulders rotating.
Exhale as you open your shoulders.
Chest Opener on Knees at Wall40sec
Chest Opener on Knees at Wall40sec

Cat n Cow8xPlace your hands shoulder wide on the floor with your elbows locked, fingers pointing towards the front and shoulders depressed, away from your ears. Keep your knees right underneath your hips.
Focus on mobilizing your entire spine from the neck all the way to your hips.
As you round your back push your hands into the floor and away from you to further round your back.
Imagine pulling the floor towards your knees to support your back for a deeper arch.
Cat n Cow - Elastic Assisted8xPlace your hands shoulder wide on the floor with your elbows locked, fingers pointing towards the front and shoulders depressed, away from your ears. Keep your knees right underneath your hips.
Place the band around your back with your hands inside it. Use the band not just to create a bigger arch but also as a target to analyze where to arch and where to round.
As you round your back push your hands into the floor and away from you to further round your back.
Imagine pulling the floor towards your knees to support your back for a deeper arch.
Active Sphinx8xStart with your elbows by your chest and your forearms parallel to each other.
Use your back muscles to rise up whilst keeping your belly button and rib cage on the floor.
With your hands firmly on the ground pull your body gently towards the front in the sphinx position as if you were trying to create distance between your ribs.
Keep your shoulders low and squeeze your shoulder blades behind your back for a moment before lowering back down. Fully extend your elbows between each rep.
Active Sphinx - Hold20sec

Yoga Bridge2x10sec

Cobra - Reps10xStart with your hands next to your shoulders and use your back muscles primarily to rise up.
Squeeze your elbows alongside your body and keep your shoulders low at all times. Your feet should be about hip with apart and your legs engaged.
One by one open each part of your back to its fullest potential before moving on the the next one. Guide the movement with your hands and head head, followed by your chest, mid and finally lower back creating an arch from the very beginning.
Focus on the way back down and begin to relax one part of your back chain at the time in reverse. Keep your back engaged and try to use your arms as little as possible.
Cobra with Bent Knees - Hold against the Wall20sec

Knee Bridge Wall Walk2x3

Half Split Back Knee Bent - Arched Walk & Hold3x each side
Bridge from Floor2x6-10sec
Bridge Wall Walk4xAs you first reach back towards the wall open each part of your back to its fullest potential before moving on the the next one. Guide the movement with your hands, shoulders and head, followed by your chest, mid and finally lower back creating an arch from the very beginning.
Take small steps on the wall applying pressure and locking the elbows in each step in each step.
The goal is to keep the knees locked for as long as possible on the way down and to straighten the knees as early as possible on the way back up.
In your bridge place your wrist on the wall, look back towards your heels and straighten your knees to apply pressure pushing the chest towards the wall.
Hollow Back Handstand Table Tap2x2Build up a tower of aerobic board, gym mats or literally anything else. Carefully tap the mountain and come back. Over time decrease the height of the mountain for increased difficulty.
You can not see the table coming and don't want to place any weight on it. You therefore have to move very slowly.
The table does not only have the advantage that you can measure your progress but also that if you would lose control or get too tired to pull back out of the hollow back and fall over you can simply place your feet at a safe height. If the table weren't there you would simply slam into the floor. Make sure what ever you are using is strong enough to support you!
Focus especially on the moment when you come back to your regular handstand. Aligning the shoulders back on top of the center of the hands whilst staying in control is not easy! Move slowly and extremely focused.
Split Hollow Back Handstand Table Tap2x1 each sideGo slow and use every part of your body to its fullest potential. Open your shoulders, chest, back, lower back and even the hip flexors. Actively pull the split leg in the opposite direction. Keep your hips and shoulders squared.
You can not see the wall coming and don't want to place any weight on the wall. You therefore have to move very slowly.
Focus especially on the moment when you come back to your regular handstand. Aligning the shoulders back on top of the center of the hands whilst staying in control is not easy! Move slowly and extremely focused.
Push tall from your shoulders and do not allow your head to touch the floor or your hands.

Back Cool Down

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Rounded Rehab Crunch10xRound your back as much as possible engaging one vertebrae at the time. Go as slow as possible and feel each vertebrae connecting or disconnecting from the floor.
Gently push your chin into your chest to round your upper back.
Keep your shoulders down, elbows locked and do not use your arms for help.
Keep your knees and feet hip width apart. Place your feet on the floor as close as possible towards your glutes whilst maintain perfect form.
Legs behind the Head Rehab Touches10x

Heels to Sky10xPlace your legs perfectly vertically above your hips and keep them there at all times.
Engage your lower abs only to push your heels upwards. Imagine you had a ring of fire around your ankles and you do not want to burn.
Stay slow and controlled on the way back down.
Interlock your hands behind your head and keep your shoulders depressed.

Hamstrings & Middle Splits

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Walking Pike40secReach with your chin towards the floor in front of you and work on pulling your belly button towards your big toe to help straighten out your back. Squeeze into a deeper stretch with every step.
The anterior pelvic tilt is the most important part of this exercise.
As you move your foot pull your toes up towards your chin and flex your foot.
Keep your knees locked and shoulders squared with the hips at all times.
Standing 1 Legged Pike Stretch40sec each sideFocus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Lock both of your knees and keep them locked at all times.
Make sure both of your feet point towards the front but do not place them on the same exact line.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Standing Diagonal 1 Legged Pike Stretch40sec each sideFocus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Place your front foot out towards the side but keep it pointing towards the front.
Lock both of your knees and keep them locked at all times.
Work on keeping your hips and shoulders squared.
Runners Stretch Pulses8x each sidePull your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt as you flex your foot to lengthen your hamstring from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Keep your front knee fully locked and push the bottom of the knee into the floor. Place your hands further in front to increase difficulty.
Side Runners Stretch40sec each sidePlace your front foot out towards the side in a pancake like position.
Focus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee and fully lock the front knee. Push the bottom of the knee towards the floor.
Dead Bug Circles8x each directionDraw big circles with your knees to create movement inside your hip joint.
Pull your knees as close as possible towards the floor. Use your glute muscles to actively help with the movement.
Hold your hips in a neutral position and keep your lower back on the floor at all times.
Keep your shoulders depressed and squared with your hips.
Half Middle Split8x each sideKeep both of your knees, shoulders, the standing foot and your hips in 1 line.
Push your opposite hip down towards the heel of the standing foot.
Move sideways only.
Imagine you were in a toaster. Do not allow your hips to rotate. Keep them right underneath your shoulders and in line with your foot and knee.
Hip Opener8x each sideStart with both knees, your hips and the foot of the extended leg in 1 line.
Push both your glutes and chest towards the floor.
Keep your hips squared with your shoulders and equal weight on both hands. Straighten your back.
Place the hand of the bent knee not in front of the knee but slightly further in.
Middle Split with Both Knees Bent1minPlace both knees and your hips in 1 precise line.
Keep your upper body straight and parallel to the floor.
Point your feet and keep both knees 90 degrees bent.
With every exhale slide into a deeper stretch.
Middle Split with Both Knees Bent - PNF3x 7sec engage 10sec stretchDuring the engaging part contract your inner thigh muscles gently to push your knees against the floor as if you were trying to close your legs. During the release part relax your muscles and slide into a deeper stretch.
Place both knees and your hips in 1 precise line.
There should be rarely any visual movement during the engagement part of the exercise.
Keep your back straight the entire time. Do not round or arch it whilst engaging and relaxing your inner thigh muscles.
Widest Pancake40secUse your glutes to actively push your legs open.
Externally rotate your legs so your knees point towards the ceiling.
Reach far towards the front as you lower down into the pancake stretch and focus on keeping your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Aim with your belly button towards the floor in front of you and not with your nose.
Widest Pancake with Elastic behind the Back30secUse your glutes to actively push your legs open.
Externally rotate your legs so your knees point towards the ceiling.
Reach far towards the front as you lower down into the pancake stretch and focus on keeping your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Aim with your belly button towards the floor in front of you and not with your nose.
Middle Split on Floor40secFully lock both knees. Engage your quads to protect your knees from injuries!
Make sure your feet, knees & hips are in 1 straight line. Your knees should be pointing towards your head.
Keep your upper body straight and parallel to the floor.
Slide into a slightly deeper stretch every time you exhale.
Widest Pancake with Elevated Feet40secUse your glutes to actively push your legs open.
Externally rotate your legs so your knees point towards the ceiling.
Reach far towards the front as you lower down into the pancake stretch and focus on keeping your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Aim with your belly button towards the floor in front of you and not with your nose.
Swimmer Only first half until stomach6x
Middle Split Adductor Push on Back8x

Middle Split - Elevated Foot40sec each sideFully lock both knees. Engage your quads to protect your knees from injuries!
Make sure your feet, knees & hips are in 1 straight line. Your knees should be pointing towards your head.
Keep your upper body parallel to the floor.
Slide into a slightly deeper stretch every time you exhale.
Half Butterfly On Stomach - Elevated2x4 each sideElevate your hips slightly with a yoga block or similar. Fold a sweater or blanked between you and the blocks if the edges of the block are too harsh.
Externally rotate your leg as soon as it begins to move.
Keep your hips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Especially pay attention to the hip of the moving leg. Do not allow it to rise up as you switch into the anterior pelvic tilt.
Fully lock your knees.
Diamond Pull - on Forearms at Wall2x2Straighten your lower back. Do not allow your hips to flip into an anterior pelvic tilt.
Externally rotate your legs. The goal is to slide the heels on the wall.
Push tall from your shoulders and do not allow your head to touch the floor or your hands.
Move slow and stay in control at all times!
Single Leg Diamond Straddle - at Wall1x2 each sideExternally rotate the leg as soon as it begins to move. The goal is touch touch the wall with the heel.
Only open your leg towards the side as far as you would in a diamond position. Keep your hips and shoulders parallel to the floor.
Straighten your lower back. Do not allow your hips to flip into an anterior pelvic tilt.
Keep your elbows locked and elevate your scapula fully at all times.
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