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Flexibility Workout

Here is your full workout for today. This overview includes name, reps, and most important cues. IMPORTANT!!  To see the video click the (“+”) symbol next to the exercise name, and it will expand.

Look after yourself and only do what feels safe enough.
Make sure to warm up well. 

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DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Walking Pike - Assisted40secReach with your chin towards the floor in front of you and work on pulling your belly button towards your big toe to help straighten out your back. Squeeze into a deeper stretch with every step.
The anterior pelvic tilt is the most important part of this exercise.
As you move your foot pull your toes up towards your chin and flex your foot.
Keep your knees locked and shoulders squared with the hips at all times.
Half Wood Chopper10xPlace your feet on the floor more than shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
Straighten your back. Ideally even arch your lower back slightly and place your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Delay your chest raising up and look at your hands as they guide the upwards movement.
Keep your knees fully locked at all times.
Laying 1 Legged Hamstring Stretch - with Elastic10x each sideKeep your hips and shoulders squared with your bottom leg. Engage the bottom leg and make sure the knee is pointing upwards.
Pull the leg close enough to yourself to feel a stretch but keep it far enough to keep your exercise form high.
Fully lock the knee in each rep and flex your foot.
Keep your back straight and work on locking your opposite knee.
Laying 1 Legged Hamstring Stretch - Hold with Elastic20sec each sideFully lock your knee and pull the foot towards your face.
Keep your hips parallel to the floor and squared with your shoulders.
Lock your extended knee fully and make sure it points towards the ceiling.
With every exhale slide into a deeper stretch.
Laying 1 Legged Hamstring Stretch - PNF with Strap4 cycles of 4sec engage & 6sec relaxDuring the contraction phase of the exercise engage your hamstring gently by pushing the leg into the band. This should not create a strong visual change in position.
Mind muscle connection is key. Use the activation phase to become 1 with your hamstring. Pre fatigue it and then actively relax it during the stretch part of the exercise.
Lock both of your knees and do not externally rotate your legs.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Laying 1 Legged Hamstring Stretch on Back - Active Hold with Strap15sec each sideKeep your hips and shoulders squared with your bottom leg. Engage the bottom leg and make sure the knee is pointing upwards.
Fully lock your working leg and if possible flex your foot.
Use your hip flexors to lift the leg off the strap pulling it towards your face.
Keep your back straight and work on locking your opposite knee.
Squatting Pike Warm Up - Assisted8x each sideElevate your hands high enough so that you can focus on form first.
Focus on your anterior pelvic tilt. Arch your lower back. Your coccyx needs to guide the movement.
Fully lock your knees in each rep.
Exhale as you straighten your knees and squeeze your belly button towards your shin.
Standing Pancake Pulse10xPlace your feet on the floor just past shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
Straighten your back. Ideally even arch your lower back slightly and place your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Fully lock your knees.
With every pulse work on pulling your chest towards the floor and your seat bones towards the ceiling
Standing Pike Step - Assisted8x each side alternatingReach with your chin towards the floor in front of you and work on pulling your belly button towards your big toe to help straighten out your back. Squeeze into a deeper stretch with every step.
The anterior pelvic tilt is the most important part of this exercise.
As you move your foot pull your toes up towards your chin and flex your foot.
Keep your knees locked and shoulders squared with the hips at all times.
Runners Stretch - Assisted40sec each sideFocus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Lock the front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor. Flex your foot pulling your toes towards the chin. Place your hands further towards the front to increase difficulty.
Side Runners Stretch - Assisted40sec each sidePlace your front foot out towards the side in a pancake like position.
Focus on your anterior pelvic tilt first. Keep your back slightly arched and reach with your belly button towards your toes.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee and fully lock the front knee. Push the bottom of the knee towards the floor.
Runners Stretch Pulses - Assisted8x each sidePull your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt as you flex your foot to lengthen your hamstring from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Keep your front knee fully locked and push the bottom of the knee into the floor. Place your hands further in front to increase difficulty.
Side Runners Stretch Pulses - Assisted8x each sidePlace your front foot out towards the side in a pancake like position.
Pull your hips into an anterior pelvic tilt as you flex your foot to lengthen your hamstring from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders perfectly squared and parallel to the floor.
Place your hips on top of your back knee.
Runners Stretch Slide - Assisted8x each sideFocus on the details here as they will significantly change what this exercise does for you! The main focus lays on the moment when you pull your hips back up. The aim here should not be to push low into a front split but to lengthen and stretch the hamstring as you pull back up.
Guide the backwards movement with your hips. First flip them into an anterior pelvic tilt. Then push your heel into the floor as you pull back lengthening the hamstring from both ends.
Keep your hips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Especially pay attention to the hip of the moving leg. Do not allow it to rise up.
Fully lock your front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor.
Side Runners Stretch Slide - Assisted8x each sidePlace your front foot out towards the side in a pancake like position.
Focus on the details here as they will significantly change what this exercise does for you! The main focus lays on the moment when you pull your hips back up. The aim here should not be to push low into a front split but to lengthen and stretch the hamstring as you pull back up.
Guide the backwards movement with your hips. First flip them into an anterior pelvic tilt. Then push your heel into the floor as you pull back lengthening the hamstring from both ends.
Fully lock your front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor.
Runners Slide Hip Engagement - Assisted8x each sideSwitch between the posterior and anterior pelvic tilt. Focus and analyze which muscles are stretched and which are engaged during each position.
Place the elastic around your lower back. Push against it as you round your back and let it help you as you arch your back to increase learning and coordination building.
Keep your hips and shoulders squared and parallel to the floor. Especially pay attention to the hip of the moving leg. Do not allow it to rise up.
Fully lock your front knee and push the bottom of the knee towards the floor.

Middle Splits

DemoExerciseReps/SetsHow to/Cues
Half Middle Split8x each sideKeep both of your knees, shoulders, the standing foot and your hips in 1 line.
Push your opposite hip down towards the heel of the standing foot.
Move sideways only.
Imagine you were in a toaster. Do not allow your hips to rotate. Keep them right underneath your shoulders and in line with your foot and knee.
Hip Opener8x each sideStart with both knees, your hips and the foot of the extended leg in 1 line.
Push both your glutes and chest towards the floor.
Keep your hips squared with your shoulders and equal weight on both hands. Straighten your back.
Place the hand of the bent knee not in front of the knee but slightly further in.
Frog40secPlace both knees and your hips in 1 precise line.
Keep your upper body straight and parallel to the floor.
Point your feet and keep both knees 90 degrees bent.
With every exhale slide into a deeper stretch.
Frog - PNF4 cycles of 4sec engage & 6sec relaxDuring the engaging part contract your inner thigh muscles gently to push your knees against the floor as if you were trying to close your legs. During the release part relax your muscles and slide into a deeper stretch.
Place both knees and your hips in 1 precise line.
There should be rarely any visual movement during the engagement part of the exercise.
Keep your back straight the entire time. Do not round or arch it whilst engaging and relaxing your inner thigh muscles.
Widest Pancake - Elevated Glutes40secUse your glutes to actively push your legs open.
Externally rotate your legs so your knees point towards the ceiling.
Reach far towards the front as you lower down into the pancake stretch and focus on keeping your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Aim with your belly button towards the floor in front of you and not with your nose.
Widest Pancake - Elastic behind the Back40secUse your glutes to actively push your legs open.
Externally rotate your legs so your knees point towards the ceiling.
Reach far towards the front as you lower down into the pancake stretch and focus on keeping your hips in an anterior pelvic tilt.
Aim with your belly button towards the floor in front of you and not with your nose.
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