Road to invincibility and the


Let's get started!


Welcome to paradise! Couple things up front I wanted to say after watching your videos! Keep those things in mind during the first weeks of training. Everything in detail soon with your first feedback!

  • In your Runners stretch the goal is not to get the chest and the knee to connect but to lengthen the hamstring. For that keep your front knee locked and your back fully straight. You do not have to go as low!
  • Try in the static stretches to exhale and relax into the stretch. Try not to bounce around much.
  • The Pike Push Up needs to be much more shoulder heavy like a military or shoulder press. Currently you are using your chest too much.
  • There are some better attempts of the L Handstand than others. In general make sure your hands are not too far and move a bit slower
  • Try keeping your knee in during the single leg tuck slide. Do not let it stick out on the side
  • In the cobra, open your legs a little bit to get some pressure out of your lower back. Make sure your hips stay on the floor and that your shoulders are depressed. You do not have to fully lock your elbows!
  • The big bars work for many things but not for the rows unfortunately. You will have to look for a different set up
  • In general I see that you are strong already. This is great! We have to work on core strength and especially on flexibility as that is what will give you the ability to move freely and to feel good in your body when you do things. Exciting times are ahead of us!

I want you to train 5 days per week.

Please upload your videos every Friday starting Feb 16 so I can do your feedback on Saturdays. If this is super inconvenient for you let me know and we can arrange a different day 🙂

To Film


Walking Pike – Assisted
Runners Stretch – Assisted
Half Middle Split
Widest Pancake – Elevated Glutes

Tuck Slide
L Handstand Single Leg Isolation
Half Slide Away
Box Tuck Single Leg Isolation

Half Skin The Cat

Pike Planche Lean
Pike Push Up Negative
Half Split Back Knee Straight

Shoulder Opener on Knees
Cobra – Reps

How does it work?

I want you to train 5 days per week.

Please upload your videos every Friday starting Feb 16 so I can do your feedback on Saturdays. If this is super inconvenient for you let me know and we can arrange a different day 🙂

Your Info

You are currently starting a 1-on-1 online coaching

Start Date: Feb 13


Upfront 1440$

Use the upload option below, or the link to drive
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